Review: Maybe Next Time by Christina C. Jones

About the Book

For better or worse… That was the promise Denver and Kensa made, but it’s a sentiment they’ve somehow lost along the way. What started as a passionate wildfire has diminished to a flicker, all but snuffed out by unspoken fears, perceived betrayal, and a complete breakdown in communication. Can either of them tuck their ego away long enough to rekindle their flame?


Books regarding marriages in trouble are always a hit-and-miss for me. However, I found Maybe Next Time to be one of the ones that I think it worked. Despite the short length, the author provides a thorough, emotional story with Denver and Kensa. At the start of the novella, Kensa is done with her marriage, and Denver isn’t. I enjoyed how they were able to communicate and realize that everything boiled down to grief. And in the end, both of them let go of their pride and their ego to save their marriage.

Out of the two main characters, I enjoyed Kensa more. Denver felt too reckless, and I wish that Kensa would have made him grovel for her more.

Final Thoughts

Maybe Next Time is a short, quick read about two characters who had experienced heartbreak and had drifted apart from each other. Denver has a few questionable moments, and Kensa should have made him work harder; however, something can be said about how the two of them were able to communicate and come back together.

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