Review: Almost Family by Ann Bancroft

Almost Family, takes us through the emotional and transformative journey of Liz Millanova, a woman facing the reality of her life during stage 4 cancer. Haunted and coming to terms with the relationship that ended her marriage, an estranged daughter and finding hope among strangers, this book makes you appreciate the limited time we have and to surround it with people that will make it valuable.

With confirmation of her cancer returning, Liz was encouraged to join a support group so that she could find comfort and support with others who faced the same. Initially reluctant, Liz found herself unexpectedly connecting with two other members, Dave and Rhonda.Not feeling they were getting the support they needed, they decided to form a smaller group among them, not realizing how much it would change their lives.Hitting it off, deciding to meet on their own, they instantly formed a friendship, finding comfort and joy with the hope to give each other while they were still here. As their bond deepened, their determination to live despite their terminal diagnosis helped Liz confront her unresolved issues and find strength and support where she least expected it. Their time together also allowed them to support each other through facing the end on their terms and leaving this world with no loose ends. 

This book was a beautiful book that balanced humor and the complexity of the emotional toll of facing the end of life with a terminal illness. The balance of their personalities brought such an authentic, relatable narrative that makes them engaging and heartwarmed to invest in the last stages of their lives with them to live it out to its fullest. This was a testament to the power of friendship and the importance of finding joy in our most arduous moments and how the power of human connection can heal the souls.

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