Spotlight: The Deliverers by Gregory S. Slomba
/Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy Adventure
Sharky and the Jewel, Book 1
A world is in trouble, who can save it?
Certainly not Eric Scott, a 12 year old boy coming to grips with his own personal tragedy. But that’s exactly what Stig, an owl from another world, asks him to do. Together, they are sent to deliver Calendria, a small fishing village, from Sharky, an immortal pirate captain that has enslaved them. But defeating Sharky and his band of bloodthirsty pirates will be no easy task.
When they arrive, Eric and Stig meet Kate Endria, who is convinced that they are the Deliverers—heroes of an ancient prophecy who are destined to defeat Sharky and his crew. Eric devises a plan that he hopes will work. Eric’s confidence rises when they rescue Hallo Tosis, an outcast dwarf who gives them the key to a powerful weapon. But it’s only after things start to go horribly wrong that Eric and Stig discover the true object of their mission.
Chapter 12--Battle
Eric and his friends crouched behind an impromptu wall of wagons, stone and any other debris that could be found. Nan, her archers, and some other villagers were deployed along it and in the buildings nearest the harbor.
The roar of cannon erupted from across the bay. They watched as the first pirate ship entered the harbor. Sweat stood out on Eric’s forehead, and his heart hammered. What were they doing? What was he doing here? They didn’t stand a chance, it was obvious. Even if the catapults managed to do some damage, and if the archers were able to land some lucky arrows, they couldn’t take on a fleet of five ships and expect to win—not without the chain in the harbor or the net or some cannon.
“I blew it, Stig,” Eric muttered.
“What?” the owl asked.
“I messed up. It was stupid to think that I could come up with a plan to beat Sharky.”
Stig ruffled his feathers. “We’re not beaten yet.”
“No, but we will be soon, and it’s my fault.”
“You can’t blame yourself my boy. They knew what they were getting into,” Stig said.
“Stig’s right,” Kate broke in. “It’s not your fault. Besides, I think we’ve still got a chance.”
Eric shook his head and sighed. The ship was closer now. “Is that Sharky’s ship?” he asked.
The Lord Mayor nodded. “That’s the Deathwind. It’s flying his flag.” He pointed to a blood-red flag that fluttered from the main mast in the early morning light. The Lord Mayor frowned. “What I don’t understand is what he’s doing in the harbor alone. I can’t make out what’s happening at the entrance. Stig, could you fly up and see how things look from the air?”
“Certainly, be back in a jiffy,” Stig said, and took off, flying out over the bay.
Eric watched him go, and hoped he’d be okay.
“Where are Wainscott and Weatherbee?” the Lord Mayor asked.
“They an’ some fishermen got some casks of powder from ol’ Bubblebeak so’s they could set ’em adrift out in the harbor,” Hallo said.
“For the last time, Hallo, her name is Bottleneck,” Kate said.
The dwarf shrugged. “Whatever,” he said.
“Where’ll they be launching the boats from?” Eric asked.
“There’s a little grotto over there,” Kate said, pointing to where the wharf ended on their right. “It’s screened off from the rest of the bay by some rocks. There’s a small opening, but from the harbor it looks like a wall of stone. Captain Weatherbee keeps a sloop tied up there, and some of the fishermen dock their smaller craft and row-boats there.”
Just then, there was another round of cannon fire, and Stig re-turned with a flutter of wings. Eric felt a surge of relief when he saw his friend return unharmed.
“What do you have to report, Stig?” the Lord Mayor asked.
“Well, it could be worse,” the owl said. “It seems that the catapults did a significant amount of damage to one of the ships. It appears to be sinking. This has effectively cut off the lead ship from the others—at least until the foundering vessel sinks.
“The other three ships have picked up survivors and have begun to bombard the ridges. It doesn’t look good for our friends up there, I’m afraid. They are drawing heavy fire.”
Eric’s mind was racing. A wild hope rose within him. “Sharky’s cut off!”
“Aye, but only for a while, lad,” the Lord Mayor reminded him.
“Well, let’s take advantage of it while we’ve got the chance!” Cordon bellowed.
The Lord Mayor nodded. “Go tell Weatherbee and Wainscott to launch those boats into the bay.”
Cordon grinned and rose to race off.
“No need!” cut in Stig, and pointed a wing towards the harbor. Eric peered above the wall and saw three small boats drifting toward the pirate ship. He also saw that the ship was starting to turn.
“Hey, she’s coming about!”
They all watched as the ship’s bow began to swing to the right so that its guns could fire a broadside at the village. No one on board the Deathwind seemed to have noticed the small boats in the water. The ship’s bow was turning toward the floating bombs.
Eric held his breath. Would they get lucky? Suddenly, one of the boats exploded in a ball of orange and yellow flame.
Order of the Crystal Lion, Book 2
Who will fight--for the Order, for freedom? For centuries, the Vynistri have been splicing lion DNA to the genes of their servants, the Chazum, using a device called the Machine. Now an army of Chazum and sympathetic Vynistri are waging a bloody civil war to overthrow the Vynistri's evil ruler, Chancellor Trelango. In their latest Assignment, the Deliverers--Eric Scott, Stig the owl, Kate Endria and Hallo Tosis the dwarf--are charged with putting an end to the fighting and restoring balance to the world. Aided by a secret society called the Order of the Crystal Lion, Eric and the rest of the Deliverers must overcome tragedy and loss to fight for freedom and equality. Spurring them on is the Order's belief that the long awaited Crystal Lion has arrived to deliver the world. Is it true, or will Trelango destroy them all?
The Golden Dragon of Ang, Book 3
“From the mouth thou shalt hear
The wisdom of far off lands.
The way to truth is clear
Head, then heart, then hands.
Lastly, tail will point the way
To the world’s end.
Then gold shall have its say
And foretell the doom of men.”
With his dying breath, so spoke the last Dragon’s Voice. Now, with no successor to impart the wisdom of the mythical Golden Dragon of Ang and children between the ages of 12 and 15 mysteriously disappearing, the Dragon Islands have been turned upside down. It is up to the Deliverers—Eric Scott, Stig the owl, Kate Endria and Hallo Tosis the dwarf—to unravel the clues they hope will lead to the missing children and the new Dragon’s Voice. Meanwhile, the Fang, leader of the renegade Denchi Assassins, has harnessed the unearthly powers of the sparkling mist and is attempting to tip the balance of power in the Islands, and perhaps shred the very fabric of the universe itself. Will the new Dragon’s Voice be revealed, or has the Golden Dragon of Ang abandoned the Islands to the Fang and the sparkling mist?
Sparkling Mist of Time, Book 4
You can’t change the past—can you?
That’s what Eric Scott always thought. But that was back before he learned about the Hallway of Worlds and the sparkling mist. Now, after three Assignments to save other worlds, he’s not so sure. When the Gatekeeper tells him someone might be using the mist—matter from failed worlds—to change the past on Eric’s world, possibility becomes probability.
In their fourth and final Assignment, the Deliverers—Eric Scott, Stig the owl, Kate Endria, and Hallo Tosis the dwarf—face a challenge like no other. They must prevent the worlds they have helped on their previous Assignments from being wiped out. They are sent back in time to the American Revolution to stop an unknown foe from using the sparkling mist to change history. Worlds, the Hallway and the universe as we know it, hang in the balance. Will the Deliverers be able to contain the sparkling mist once and for all, or will everything they have achieved so far be annihilated?
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About the Author
Gregory S. Slomba is an instructional designer, former editor, and the author of the award-winning Deliverers Series. He studied English at the University of Dayton, then worked as a banker for 20 years. He also spent four years as an editor and writer for a national trade magazine, giving him an opportunity to sharpen his writing and editing skills. Along the way, he was able to visit some fun places such as Bermuda, Spain, China, and over 60% of the U.S. states. He currently designs, writes, and delivers training courses for bankers.
Reading fantasy and science fiction has always sparked his imagination. Inspiring the imaginations of young readers through his writing is what drives him.
Greg lives in Connecticut with his wife, Stephanie and his two grown children, a golden retriever, and four cats.
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