Review: Mr. Bloomsbury by Louise Bay


He's cold, rude and undeniably arrogant.

That’s how Andrew Blake's best friends describe him.

Bad luck for me that I’m his new assistant.

Nothing I do is good enough.

The more I try and please him, the more he ignores me.

I’m beginning to wonder if there’s a heart in that tall, hard, gorgeous body of his.

After work I’m complaining about him to my new best friend—the bartender at the pub near the office.

Guess who’s seated behind me and has heard every gripe, grumble and grievance?

By the look in Andrew's eye, I can't tell if I'm going to get fired or kissed.

A standalone romance.


Mr. Bloomsbury was fine. There were moments that made me chuckle or feel something, but all and all it wasn’t my favorite office romance that I’ve read all year. It has a fairly simple premise. Sophia needs a job. Her best friend is an assistant to a jerk and quits her decent paying job. Sophia decides to take her friend’s place. She learns that Andrew Blake, her boss, is in fact a jerk but she also is attractive to him. It’s quick to read, nothing too complicated or angsty as far as the plot.

The romance between Sophia and Andrew was fine. Like most of the book, they had their moments. I did like how when they saw each other at the pub one night they pretended not to know each other. That was interesting, and I think one of the best romance moments that they had in terms of the entire book.

It did feel rushed with them. And because of that I felt it hard to get a connection to neither the romance nor the story.

Final Thoughts

Mr. Bloomsbury is a workplace romance book that has a decent romance and a decent familiar plot.

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