Review: Zodiac Academy: The Awakening by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti

I’m a Gemini. Impulsive. Curious. Headstrong. A twin. Heir to a throne I know nothing about. And it turns out, I’m Fae.

But of course there’s a catch - all I have to do to claim my birth right is prove that I’m the most powerful supernatural in the whole of Solaria. And sure, technically that’s true as I’m the daughter of the Savage King. But the bit they didn’t put in the brochure was that every single Fae in this Kingdom would claim my throne if they could.

The school they’ve sent me to is both dangerous as sh*t and one helluva party. Vampires bite weaker students in the corridors, the Werewolf pack has orgies in the Wailing Wood at every full moon and don’t even get me started on the dark and twisted ways the Sirens use their powers on people’s emotions, or how my sinfully tempting Cardinal Magic teacher hosts detentions that leave people needing therapy.

Classes are totally interesting if you manage to live through them. And that Gemini star sign I mentioned? It now determines my elemental magic and affects my destiny, so learning astrology is essential if I’m going to beat down my classmates – which is actively encouraged by the way.

My biggest problem is the drool worthy Dragon shifter who has his eyes on my throne. He and his three psycho friends are determined to make my time here hell.

All I’ve got to do is survive. But fate might have other ideas.

Dammit, why couldn’t I have gotten a letter to Hogwarts? -


I haven’t read a fantasy series in a very long time. For me, sometimes I find it hard to dive into the world since as a reader we’re normally implanted in an established world and we are forced to learn how it operates and works. And that takes time for me.

For about a week, I went back and forth on whether I wanted to read the Zodiac Academy. I kept hearing so many great things about it and people really loved the characters. The issue is that it’s a nine-book series. That’s a lot of dedication especially for someone who isn’t a regular fantasy reader.  One day, I took the chance and brought the first four books in paperback. That way I have no choice but to read it since I paid money for it instead of getting it on Kindle Unlimited.

After reading the first book, I see the appeal and I’m going to stay with it. To stay as simple as possible—Zodiac Academy is a story about twins – Darcy and Tory—who were raised in the human world until they were eighteen years old and found that their parents were royalty and had powers. And in order to get their inheritance they have to go to this school to train. It’s much darker and mature than Harry Potter. There is a heavy astrology influence. And both characters are constantly attacked by others. That did get a little exhausting especially when no one jumped in to help. Hopefully, as the series progresses and they start making friendship and connections and learn to use their powers, that will happen less.

It does a pretty decent job with worldbuilding since the twins are new to this world as well. I will say that the story moves very quickly. For example, within the first few characters the twins learn their true backstory and are off to this new world. And as soon as they are there, they realize what powers they have. I went along with it, but I wasn’t expecting that to happen that quickly.

Final Thoughts

Although book one left me with a lot of unanswered questions and slightly confused about the world, I see the potential. 

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