Review: To Hate Adam Connor (Love & Hate #2) by Ella Maise

To Hate Adam Connor was a magically, entertaining read. I was glued to each page, soaking up every word.

After a terrible break up, Lucy moves in with her best friend and her best friend’s famous husband. The goal is to get her life back on track. Not stalk the Academy Award winning actor- Adam Connor next door. Unfortunately for her, stalking lands her in jail. And despite her hate growing every day for Adam, she can’t help but be drawn to him and his adorable son.

I really enjoyed To Hate Adam Connor. The banter between Lucy and Adam was off the chart. And there was never a dull moment. Surprisingly, there are a few twists in this book. It gets a little dark. And towards the end, it almost goes off the rails, but the author does a great job of steering it back on course.

The characters were incredible. I loved Lucy. She was hilarious and said whatever she wanted. She’s independent and witty. And I think she was my favorite protagonist I’ve read all year. Because of past experiences and her family history, she was so deadest on not falling for Adam Connor. Although so determined, obviously she fell for him hard. And it was an exciting journey to witness.

Adam is caring and such a romantic. He was the perfect match for Lucy, who wants to protect her heart. He is a recently divorced, single dad trying to make his son happy. And his relationship with his son was so loving, so caring, and so protective.

The romance in this book was lovely and great. Lucy and Adam have this love/hate relationship in the beginning. But it slowly becomes something else. The push-the pull, the teasing, etc. is all great.

But I also enjoyed the relationship the characters had with the supporting cast. Lucy and Adam’s son, Aiden, had such a cute relationship. I couldn’t help but smile while I read their scenes.

 I will admit and say I made a mistake. I should have read the first book in the series because Olive and Lucy’s friendship was top tier. Like friendship goals. I will definitely go back to read Olive’s book. Because I liked her in this book too and I liked her relationship with Jason.

Final Analysis

To Hate Adam Connor is witty, hilarious, and entertaining. 

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