Spotlight: Under the Java Moon: A Novel of World War II by Heather B. Moore

Based on a true story, this gripping WWII novel captures the resilience, hope, and courage of a Dutch family who is separated during the war when the Japanese occupy the Dutch East Indies.

Java Island, 1941

Six-year-old Rita Vischer cowers in her family’s dug-out bomb shelter, listening to the sirens and waiting for a bomb to fall. Her charmed life on Java―living with other Dutch families―had always been peaceful, but when Holland declares war on Japan and the Japanese army invades Indonesia, Rita’s family is forced to relocate to a POW camp, and Rita must help care for her little brother, Georgie.

Mary Vischer is three months pregnant when she enters the Tjident women’s camp with thousands of other women and children. Her husband, George, is somewhere on the Java Sea with the Dutch Navy, so she must care alone for her young children, Rita and Georgie, and her frail mother. The brutal conditions of the overcrowded camp make starvation, malaria, and dysentery a grim reality. Mary must do everything she can to keep her family alive.

George Vischer survives the bombing of his minesweeper but feels little hope floating on a small dinghy in the Java Sea. Reaching the northern tip of the Thousand Island would be a miracle. Focusing on the love of his life, Mary, and his two children, he battles against the sea and merciless sun. He’ll do whatever it takes to close the divide between him and his family, even if it means risking being captured by the Japanese.

Under the Java Moon highlights a little-known part of WWII history and the impact of war on Indonesia, its people, and the more than 100,000 Dutch men, women, and children who were funneled into prison camps and faced with the ultimate fight for survival.


The full moon was both a blessing and a curse, George decided. The Auxiliary Minesweeper Endeh, a 175-ton vessel that typically held sixty crew but now held only twenty-four, had been forced to change course since Japanese ships were blocking the Soenda Strait.

“Looks like we’re heading north,” Vos said, coming to stand by George at the railing as the sea breeze tugged at their clothing. Vos spoke in a low voice, as if there were a nearby Japanese vessel listening in.

George nodded, his only answer for now.

Everyone was on edge, and the tension was as thick as tar. Conversation among the men was limited and brief. No one slept, even though it was nearly four in the morning. Although the minesweeper’s intended job was to detect and detonate enemy mines, no one was focused on that. The real threat was a Japanese ship spotting them.

Hooft joined them at the rail, his mouth set in a grim line.

“Any news?” George ventured to ask.

“Rouwenhorst is taking us to the South Borneo coast, and from there we’ll cruise between the smaller Soenda Islands. We’ll make a break for Australia once we’re clear.”

George heard the roughness in Hooft’s voice, and he turned toward him. When they’d been readying for departure, Hooft had taken it upon himself to cut away the main mast of the minesweeper in order to make the silhouette smaller. While pushing the mast overboard, he’d been struck in the abdomen.

He’d brushed it off then, but now, his face twisted in pain as he held an arm against his stomach.

“Are you in pain?” George asked. “Maybe you should lie down? That hit was stronger than we thought.”

Hooft grimaced but shook his head. “I think I cracked a rib, but it will heal soon enough.”

“I agree, and you should lie down,” Vos said.

“Not going to happen,” Hooft said. “Not with Japanese all around us.”

Vos sighed, then craned his head to examine the skies. “We should have left at first dark. This moon is exposing our path.”

George wholeheartedly agreed. But they’d had to do all the inspections first, and with the mission planned last minute, they couldn’t have left any earlier. He followed Hooft’s gaze and studied the large white sphere in the black sky. Was its brightness keeping Mary awake too? He hoped she had gone to bed after he’d left. She needed all the rest she could get. Before leaving, he’d written down all the information he thought she might need, including a note to the bank manager that Mary should have access to their funds.

He hoped his officer’s pay would continue no matter who occupied Java, and that even if rations were stricter, his family would have plenty of food and supplies for their needs. His consolation was that Oma was in good health at sixty-seven. She was a strong woman and had endured many trials already. Perhaps it was both a blessing and a curse that she’d come to the Netherlands East Indies. She’d missed the breakout of the war in Europe and the subsequent German invasion of the Netherlands, yet now . . .

“It’s nearly 4:00 a.m.,” Vos said.

“Right.” George headed to the engine room where his shift was about to start. Before he reached the stairs, he saw a dark form about two hundred meters away. The moonlight splashed across a destroyer ship, and since the Allied ships were either sunk or crippled, that could mean only one thing.

The destroyer was Japanese.

Had they spotted the minesweeper yet?

Then, another form emerged . . . a second Japanese destroyer.

George blinked in the moonlight, hoping that his eyes were bleary and playing a trick on him. What were the chances the Endeh could slip past undetected? None . . . echoed through George’s mind.

His breath jerked, and he turned and hurried down the steps to the engine room. At the bottom of the stairs, he made the announcement, “There are two Japanese destroyers following us.”

Lieutenant Van Wijnmalen’s eyes rounded, and he sprinted up the stairs.

George turned to the control room, his chest tight with tension. The others had gone silent, staring at him. Then the commander’s urgent voice came over the 1MC—or 1 Main Circuit, the ship’s main public address system. “This is not a drill. This is not a drill. Two Japanese destroyers have been spotted. God’s grace will get us past them undetected, but right now, halve the engine speed.”

George and the others set to work immediately. No one spoke as they went about their duties to halve the engine speed. By the time the engine speed had slowed, perspiration stood out on George’s face.

Each moment of waiting passed with agonizing slowness.

Then George heard a popping sound above the engine noise. Guns. Light caliber guns by the sound of it. The Japanese were firing at the minesweeper.

Almost instantly, the commander’s voice came through the 1MC, “Slow the engine to a crawl.”

George set about the task. The engine was at its lowest setting, and for a moment the bullets stopped. He moved to the edge of the engine room, trying to hear better as the other engineers watched him in silence, fear plain in their expressions.

George wiped at the sweat on his face. His throat felt like it had been scratched dry. He needed water. What he really wanted to do was get out of this stuffy engine room and find a lifeboat. Were the Japanese destroyers toying with them? Or had they moved on from the small minesweeper?

“Stop the engines!” the commander said, his tone urgent, even panicked. “This is not a drill. This is not a drill. All engines must cease.”

George spun back into the room and followed orders.

Then, the ship’s alarm clanged at the same moment Van Wijnmalen came barreling down the stairs. “Life jackets!” he hollered as he grabbed his from the supply along the wall. “Everyone up on deck and to the lifeboat!”

The alarm continued to clang. And the commander’s voice blared through the 1MC, “This is not a drill. All hands to the lifeboats.”

George and the others reached for their life jackets as Van Wijnmalen tugged his on. The man turned back toward the stairs and headed up.

But he didn’t get very far.

One second, George was reaching for a life jacket, and the next Lieutenant Van Wijnmalen disappeared. No. Everything disappeared.

The engine room. The men around him. The walls. The floor.

We’ve been hit, George dimly thought. His ears were throbbing, and his head felt like it had burst, then come back together, only to burst again.

What was that sound?

It was a high-pitched keening, almost mechanical, but louder than anything George had ever heard. He tried to lift his hands to cover his ears, but his arms were so very heavy. The high-pitched sound lowered and separated.

“Vischer, jump!”

Someone was calling his name? Telling him to . . . jump?

George’s eyelids felt like sandpaper, but he dragged them open. The first thing he saw was searchlights skating across the minesweeper’s deck. He began to remember. The alarm, the commander telling everyone to get in the lifeboat. The sound of gunfire. The searchlights must be the Japanese. And now he was on deck. Wait. How was he on deck? Hadn’t he been in the engine room?

Then he smelled it. Smoke. He turned his head to see flames. The ship was on fire, and . . . there were men lying on the deck like he was. Not moving.

With a groan, George pushed up on one elbow. His skin felt like it was on fire, although he couldn’t see any flames on his clothing. Rips in his pants revealed gashes from shrapnel.

Nothing hurt, though. How was that possible?

“Van Wijnmalen,” George murmured to the man lying a few feet from him. His face wasn’t right, though. It was half gone.

At the realization, pain shot through George, and he began to feel his injuries. Like a throbbing, living thing. He couldn’t pinpoint where he hurt, though—it was everywhere.

“Jump, Vischer, jump!” someone called to him. But the sound was muted, almost like he was dreaming it.

He turned his face toward the railing, away from the fire. Men bobbed in the water that reflected the glittering stars. The Japanese destroyer’s searchlights lit up the men’s faces, then moved on. Beyond them, the lifeboat was on fire. The men wouldn’t last long in the water, and only a couple of them were wearing life vests. How this realization got through George’s murky mind, he didn’t know.

With another groan, he moved to his knees. Then slowly, he stood. Pain lanced through his wounds, but at least he was on his feet. Another sweep of searchlights passed over him, and he wondered if the Japanese saw him staggering. All the men he passed on the way were dead. George was the last one alive on the minesweeper.

This excerpt was taken with permission from Under the Java Moon: A Novel of World War II by Heather B. Moore (Shadow Mountain Publishing, September 5, 2023). This content is not to be copied or published elsewhere without written permission from Shadow Mountain Publishing.

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About the Author

Heather B. Moore is a USA Today bestselling author of more than ninety publications. Heather writes primarily historical and #herstory fiction about the humanity and heroism of the everyday person. Publishing in a breadth of genres, Heather dives into the hearts and souls of her characters, meshing her love of research with her love of storytelling.

Her ancient era historicals and thrillers are written under pen name H.B. Moore. She writes historical women's fiction, romance and inspirational non-fiction under Heather B. Moore, and . . . speculative fiction under Jane Redd. This can all be confusing, so her kids just call her Mom. Heather attended Cairo American College in Egypt and the Anglican School of Jerusalem in Israel. Despite failing her high school AP English exam, Heather persevered and earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Brigham Young University in something other than English. More at c.

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Spotlight: In the Shadow of a Queen by Heather B. Moore

Genre: Historical Fiction, Inspirational Fiction

Publisher: ‎Shadow Mountain Publishing (October 4, 2022)

Based on the True Story of the Free-Spirited Daughter of Queen Victoria.

Princess Louise’s life is upended after her father’s untimely death. Captive to the queen’s overwhelming mourning, Louise is forbidden to leave her mother’s tight circle of control and is eventually relegated to the position of personal secretary to her mother―the same position each of her sisters held until they were married.

Already an accomplished painter, Louise risks the queen’s wrath by exploring the art of sculpting, an activity viewed as unbefitting a woman. When Louise involves herself in the day’s political matters, including championing the career of a female doctor and communicating with suffragettes, the queen lays down the law to stop her and devotes her full energy to finding an acceptable match for her defiant daughter.

Louise is considered the most beautiful and talented daughter of Queen Victoria but finding a match for the princess is no easy feat. Protocols are broken, and Louise exerts her own will as she tries to find an open-minded husband who will support her free spirit.

In the Shadow of a Queen is the story of a battle of wills between two women: a daughter determined to forge her own life beyond the shadow of her mother, and a queen resolved to keep the Crown’s reputation unsullied no matter the cost.


Papa was not getting better. 

His symptoms had progressed from bad to worse. 

“Gastric fever,” Louise muttered to herself as she turned page after page of Domestic Medicine. She was in the library late in the afternoon. The icy wind outside made it impossible for any outdoor activities. Arthur had asked her to play chess, but Louise couldn’t even bring herself to do that. She’d overheard the cook speaking to Eliza Collins, “Her Majesty told us that the doctor said there is no cause for alarm with gastric fever.” 

Louise turned the page and landed on the description of gastric fever. Symptoms were high fever, headache, stomach pain, blotchy skin, and either constipation or diarrhea. Louise continued to read, her heart thumping harder with each symptom described. 

Her father was seriously ill.

Above the sound of the wind, Louise heard an approaching carriage. She rose to look out the window. Were they to have a dinner guest? Mama had canceled all dinners and social events this past week and had taken meals in her room. 

Alice had attended to Papa when Mama had to handle government business. But Louise and her younger siblings hadn’t been allowed near Papa’s convalescence.

Louise blinked when she saw the man exiting the carriage. She recognized his iron-gray hair and heavy brows immediately. It was George Wellesley, the dean of Windsor, who was Mama’s advisor on church matters. 

Then Louise heard a familiar voice coming from the corridor. She hurried out of the library and saw Wellesley talking to her brother. “Bertie!” she breathed.

She rushed toward him, only slowing when she saw the grave look on both of their faces.

When Wellesley hurried away, she stepped forward, then wrapped her arms about Bertie. “I didn’t know you were coming home so early for Christmas.”

But Bertie wasn’t smiling, and his blue eyes didn’t have their usual twinkle. “I’m not here for Christmas, Loosy. I arrived at three o’clock this morning to see Papa.”

Louise stepped back at that. “Did Mama send for you?”

“Alice telegraphed me,” he said. “I had no idea the seriousness of Papa’s condition until I arrived.”

It was as if Louise’s stomach sank to the floor beneath her. “Is he very bad?”

“When’s the last time you saw him, Loosy?” 

It had been a full week. “We’ve been kept away because of infection. The doctor said he has gastric fever, and there is no cause to worry. So we shall all have a happy Christmas together.”

Bertie’s eyes slid shut, and this scared Louise more than anything. “What is it?” she asked in a small voice.

When her brother opened his eyes again, they were clear. “Gastric fever is another name for typhoid fever. Does Mama not know this?”

Louise stared at her brother. The rock in her stomach turned and turned. Typhoid fever was fatal. No one survived it. Not even Papa’s Coburg cousins, who had been a king and a prince. “Are you sure?” It was a foolish question. She didn’t understand why Mama would be telling everyone that Papa would recover. 

With a small nod, Bertie said, “Alice wouldn’t have telegraphed me it if hadn’t been serious. I’ve disappointed Papa greatly, but I hope he can forgive me before he leaves this life.”

Louise wanted to say of course Papa would forgive his oldest son and that he wasn’t going to truly die. Papa was young—forty-two. People Grandmama’s age died, and that was sad. But not people Papa’s age. Not the husband to the queen of England. Not her own father. 

Bertie grasped her hand and squeezed it. 

Not until he did that did she realize tears had fallen upon her cheeks. 

“I’m sorry, Loosy.” His throat bobbed as if he were trying to hold back his own tears. 

She wiped at her face with her sleeve, not caring about the fabric. “Is Affie coming home too?” 

“He’ll be notified by telegram, then he’ll come.”

Vicky was in Prussia—too far to come if Papa was so very close to the end. And Leo in France was also too far away. 

“Can I see him?” she said in a half whisper.

“Not until Mama gives her permission.”

Louise bit her trembling lip and nodded. The tears were coming faster now, and she hadn’t even fully digested the news from her brother. Just seeing Bertie suddenly at Windsor had been a shock. And now . . . she felt dreadfully ill as her stomach plummeted, her body reacting faster than her mind. 

Bertie draped an arm about her shoulders. “I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Loosy. No matter what happens, you always have me, all right?”

She nodded because her throat burned too hot to speak. 

“Now, I’m going to sleep for a little bit, then return to the vigil.”

The word vigil should have never been part of her brother’s language that day. Bertie headed along the corridor alone. Louise felt rooted to the floor, stuck between two different times. The time before Bertie came, when she thought Papa was ill. And the time after, when she found out Papa was dying.

A sob hitched in her chest, then burst out of her. She ran. Down another corridor, then around a corner. She didn’t have a destination in mind. All she knew was that she had to move because the weight of the pain filling her limbs was so great, she was sure she’d sink right into the floor like a cannon.

Chapter 5, pages 31-34

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About the Author

Heather B. Moore is a USA Today best-selling and award-winning author of more than seventy publications, including The Paper Daughters of Chinatown. She has lived on both the East and West Coasts of the United States, as well as Hawaii, and attended school abroad at the Cairo American Collage in Egypt and the Anglican School of Jerusalem in Israel. She loves to learn about history and is passionate about historical research.