Review: The Widow’s Husband Secret Lie by Freida McFadden

About the Book

My husband is dead.

I attended his funeral. I watched his casket be lowered six feet into the ground. (Actually, it may have been only five feet, but that still seems like more than enough.) And then we ate an array of finger sandwiches and deviled eggs and miniature beef wellingtons that cost more than my first car.

My point is, Grant is gone. And so are all his many, many deep, dark secrets which I never really ever bothered to ask him about. He is never coming back.

So why do I still see his face everywhere I go?

The Widow's Husband's Secret Lie is an utterly addictive, unputdownable, nail-biting, absolutely gripping psychological thriller novella with a shocking, breathtaking, heartstopping, spine-chilling twist that you won't see coming, will leave you stunned, and will literally have you picking your jaw up off the floor and bringing it to the nearest hospital for major facial reconstructive surgery.


I had so much fun with The Widow’s Husband’s Secret Lie. I hope the author had a blast writing, it because I was thoroughly entertained. This is my first satirical novella, and I’m kind of disappointed that the author had written more. I know her niche is thrillers; however, I think she should do more of these.

The novella does an outstanding job of poking fun at overly dramatic and predicted thriller novels. And I would include Lifetime movies in the mix too. Every twist and turn is so predicted that when it happened, I commented “Of course that’s happening next” before being sent into a fit of laughter. It was deeply unserious, and I had a marvelous time.

Final Thoughts

The Widow's Husband's Secret Lie should not be taken seriously at all. It’s unhinged and entertaining. I appreciated that the author fully leaned into the absurdity of everything. If anyone is looking for a fun, lighthearted, short thriller, this is for them. 

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