My Top Ten Tools for Writing Fantasy by Christina Bauer

As part of the launch tour for my new book, Lady Reaper, the folks at What is That Book About asked me to share a blog post on any topic. I’m choosing a top ten list because FUN! So, without further ado, here goes:

One. A Funky Name Generator

After writing fantasy, I no desire to name anything ever again. But this site helps. 

Two. A Word Associator

What are fifty terms that relate to the concept of the moon? You never know when you need this kind of information until you do. Here’s the site: 

Three. A Translator

Translate any document, any length, in seconds. It’s scary.

Four. An Artist Collective

I like Fiverr for cover art

Five. A List of Unusual Words

Again, you don’t need it until you do. Great for naming odd places or people.

Six. Another (Less Wacky) Name Generator

Because boring characters need names, too.

Seven. Another (Less thorough) Translator

I like to align cultures to a language base. It helps when naming places and objects.

Eight. A Grammar Checker

Grammarly, baby!

Nine. Visual Inspiration

Nothing tops Pinterest.

Ten. My site

Because shameless self-promotion is HOT!