What is Love by Julia Vellucci

When it comes to novels, those that are mainly full of smut are those readers tend to lean more towards or mistake for love.

In my ongoing fantasy romance Love Tetralogy, I attempt to undo one of the many reasons people enjoy reading romance novels.

Love and lust are two completely different things. Someone could argue and say that a healthy and loving relationship can be full of much physical intimacy. This is true but in a romance novel that should not be all that is focused on as love is all about two people helping each other grow for the better and reach their full potential, something words and an emotional connection has a massive role in.

In my opinion, a healthy and loving relationship is all about your souls meeting, being so freeing to one another that it often feels as if you are dancing in the rain together, joyful and free. Love must touch every part of you, so it's only natural for it to also have a physical element to it. That however is not the entire picture as pleasure or desiring someone because they are attractive does not lead to happiness and can often be toxic.

The journey is what we should be reading about as it proves to us that the greatest things are worth waiting for. The journey to find that indescribable feeling that can best be compared to a rose, a main symbol used in my series, as true love consists of a combination of beauty and pain. It is when one overtakes the other that some reevaluating must take place.

In this ongoing series of four, it is not your traditional love tropes that are discussed as originality needs to find its way back into romance novels. Each book touches on a different kind of love. Book one, "Girl by the Tracks" emphasizes loving the beauty and beast within, our flaws that make us beautiful and make us who we are. Book two, "Boy by the Plate" highlights loving the unexpected life throws our way to bring us exactly where we are destined to be, who we are destined to become and teach us all the required lessons. Book three, "Woman by the Penthouse" focuses on the love to hate relationship with ourselves, our internal conflicts and emotions, and staying true to ourselves despite how tough what is going on inside may be.

These books are all available on Amazon of all countries as a paperback and ebook as well as on Ukiyoto Publishing's site and other online book stores if interested in giving it a try.

This series is recommended for anyone who enjoys a wholesome love story full of magical elements, and although some character's roles alter in this series, the world and themes do not alter, hence why it must be read in order. I'd highly recommend it for teens as with social media and TV putting lust and passion before true love, teens need to truly understand that before you can love or commit yourself to anyone, you must love and respect yourself and then let the right person come in your life in which you can exceed your full potential with and love and respect just as much.

This is a huge idea this series exhibits and the fact that these books consist of words of a teen herself, it is possible to live by them, even in a society where commitment to a lifelong partner is slowly fading.

I would love to hear your thoughts on my Love Tetralogy and hope it speaks to you and teaches you as much as it did for me when I wrote it and through the characters that are all relatable in some way or another. I noticed pieces of myself in the characters, some I have yet to fully carry out in my own life. Yet again, fiction is meant for us to learn from those that aren't us but could be us for better or for worse.

About the Author

Julia Vellucci is a 17-year-old girl, born and raised in Mississauga, Ontario, with five books published and a passion for the written craft. She is Italian by origin. She has never been good at visual art but her mom and younger sister both of whom she admires are definitely her creative endeavours as she was inspired by them to find a way to express her creative side, through writing. She discovered her love for creative writing over two years ago when she first began to bring fictional characters to life through the written craft thanks to a school book club she was part of and couldn't help but wanted to discover what made her characters unique and carry out their story until the very end. Julia's dream is to be able to inspire readers through her words as she believes words can project more than actions ever could.

Readers can visit her website at juliavellucci.weebly.com and find her on Instagram under the username juliavellucci_.