Q&A with Lillian Brummet
/What inspired you to become a writer?
People often ask me that and over the years of thinking about this very thing, I realized that I have always been drawn to the written word. I have this connection to it that is hard to explain, perhaps it has something to do with my analytical and introspective nature. I struggled in my younger years with switching numbers and words and letters… and thinking so fast that my words can’t catch up. Writing has helped me slow down, relax, explain then review what I’ve written. Oh I’ll rush out the idea, pounding out the basic thoughts before I forget them; that does happen, but the act of methodically writing, double checking, rewriting and editing - all those aspects of the career have helped me personally. When I was young I wrote powerful stories with emotionally charged scenarios, and in my youth I poured out pain and angst through poetry. After being involved in a pretty bad car accident in ’98, I was jolted into knowing the fragility and uncertainty of life. As time went on I became chronically depressed from the pain and loss of a business I had run successfully for 6 years. I needed, really needed, to feel like my life had purpose. Writing has given me that. It also opened new doors to me – such as hosting the 2 online radio shows several years ago and doing live interviews, things I would have never considered doing before.
What type of books do you write?
As writers, we specialize in non-fiction: 2 books of poetry, 2 books on ways to reduce waste, extend the budget and make a difference for the planet. We also have a book offering writer’s advice which is very popular with PR agents and educators because it walks authors through the process of promoting their writing business, running it efficiently, and standing out in a crowd like a purple snowflake in a snowstorm… thus the title: Purple Snowflake Marketing. Our most recent endeavour is a cookbook celebrating garden harvests that offers interesting trivia and teaches eco-friendly and waste-reduction habits. This manuscript is currently in Dave’s capable hands.
For readers to get to know you better, what kind of author would you describe yourself as?
I would call myself: passionate, motivated, tenacious, organized, concerned and proactive. Writing, for me, is a way to create positive change in the world. The feedback from our readers inspires me to no end! Their personal life changes help me feel like I do make a difference and these urges to do more grow inside me with each positive comment. Their stories of the volunteer work they became involved in, how dedicated they became to composting, how they have taken up gardening or composting, how their local schools are so grateful for receiving items they can reuse in the classroom - these stories have encouraged me. Readers of our poetry books tell us they have been encouraged, felt the compassion we offer and felt empowered after reading them. When I look back at the last 20 years in this world of writing I get a little positive thrill, knowing I’ve helped make a little ripple of change. What is really cool is that Dave is a full on partner in this and I think that has also strengthened our relationship.
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I’m glad you mentioned that, I saw that you work with your husband and I was curious about your collaboration…
We definitely work as a team. We hold many brainstorming sessions that inspire us with new ideas and the direction to take. In some of those sessions we come up with new book or article ideas, other times we are discussing current marketing activities, we might talk about office issues or duties we need to split up, and goals or dreams of the future. My talents lay in gathering the information, organizing, office work, managing the blog, arranging for beta tests, networking, marketing and promotional activities and creating the draft manuscripts. Dave manages the technology, tax prep, machines and computers. He does the final checks, edits and any rewrites, the proofs and layout, design, formatting, graphics and cover image. That is his specialty. After publication we often meet in the middle too. I’m making connections and arranging for exposure, he provides the images, ad creation and manages the website. If something has to be done in person – Dave’s the one they see. Otherwise I’m often the one dealing with media and other people in general.
What is your favorite book and why?
How can I possibly choose?! I have so many favorites… from Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings series to Star Tide Rising (D. Brin), to The Sea of Trolls (N. Farmer), and Dan Brown’s adventure-fantasy books and of course Northlander (M. Burdan) … However if I really have to pick one favorite it would have to be it would have to be Trevanian’s book Shibumi..
What advice do you have for aspiring authors?
Be respectful and do not make anyone wait for you. Be prepared well in advance and have contingency plans. Be proactive – you have chosen this career and it needs to be treated as any other business. Take courses and study on how best to run a business, create strategic business and marketing plans and keep detailed records.
About the Author
Lillian and her husband Dave are the team behind Brummet Media Group, high-fiving cheerfully as they pass each other on the way from checking off one item or other from their long to-do list. After moving to their dream location (in the Kootenay Region of BC, Canada) 10 years ago, they have been methodically converting the abused lot over to the little park it has become – and in doing so have gained certification with bee, pollinator and wildlife organizations. Their home, too, has become eco-friendly via the many upgrades they have done. Their business includes Dave’s music studio and percussion accessory development, graphic design work, numerous award-winning non-fiction books and a popular blog.