The Making of Paths to Freedom by Paul Bennett

“It’ll be glorious fun” Paths to Freedom – book 2 The Mallory Saga


A brief catching up – last year I was pleased to contribute a guest post on Mary Anne Yardes fine blog, in which I explained how I came to write the 1st book in The Mallory Saga, Clash of Empires. You can check it out by clicking the link below, though a quick rundown of Clash goes like this… the three main characters are Daniel, Liam, and Elizabeth (Liza) Mallory and the story is about their trials and tribulations during the French and Indian War. Many of the major battles are part of the tale, e.g. the two attempts to take Fort Duquesne (later Fort Pitt) and the taking of Fort Carillon (later Ticonderoga), and feature the historical figures of the time such as Generals Braddock, Forbes and Amherst, and the young Virginian George Washington. Clash ends with Pontiac’s Rebellion, an aftershock of the British victory over the French, and finds our protagonist family recovering from the horrors and the joys of the prior seven years.


When I embarked on this journey, the road to authorhood, I really hadn’t given much thought to the hazards, pitfalls, ambushes, and the overriding need for an organized chart of characters that awaited this poor naïve scribbler of tales. Naturally, I most likely complicated the process by listening to my Muse. “Go ahead now,” she purred in my head, “a family saga will be glorious fun.”  Fun she says…hah, I say. Mind you I’m not complaining. After all, this was a completely new adventure for me, writing novels, and I didn’t have a map or GPS to plot my course through the ever increasing number of progeny my characters were producing. Rule number one for writing a family saga that is projected to encompass about 150 years of American history, is that the family has to still be around…has to procreate to ensure the family line continues. Oh, let’s complicate it even more by creating multiple family lines to follow as the children grow, marry and have their own children. It seems that humans, real, and apparently fictional ones as well, like to have sex, it is inevitable. I hope I can find enough historical events for the kiddies to get involved in. ☺ 

In Paths to Freedom the children of the three Mallory siblings begin to make their presence known, especially Thomas, the oldest child of Liza and Henry Clarke (see right there, already another family line to follow), but Jack and Caleb, the twin sons of Liam and Rebecca along with Bowie, the son of Daniel and Deborah are beginning to get involved as well. The French and Indian War, the historical setting for book 1, was over, and the Mallory/Clarke clan is looking forward to settling and expanding their trading post village, Mallory Town, now that the frontier is at peace. And for a time they had peace, but the increasing discontent in the East, not so much toward the increasing rise in taxes, but the fact that Parliament was making these decisions without any input from the colonies, slowly made its way west to the frontier. Once again the Mallory/Clarke clan would be embroiled in another conflict.

Another facet of my saga is that the main characters are not always together in the same place or even the same event. In Paths my characters are spread out; some have gone East, some have gone West, some are sticking close to Mallory Town, so in effect there are three stories being told, and that means more plots, subplots, twists and surprises. 

One of the aspects of the lead up to The Revolutionary War was the attempt by the British to ensure cooperation with the Native Americans, especially the Iroquois Confederation. The British had proclaimed that they would keep the colonies from encroaching on tribal lands, a strong inducement indeed. However, some tribes, like The Oneida, had established a good relationship with the colonists. I knew right away when I started book 2 that the relationship between the Mallory’s and the tribes would be part of it. Among the historical Native Americans who take part in Paths are the Shawnee Chiefs; Catecahassa (Black Hoof), Hokoleskwa (Cornstalk), Pucksinwah (father of Tecumseh), and the Mingo leader Soyechtowa (Logan).

I also realized that I needed to get someone to Boston, and the Sons of Liberty. Thomas Clarke, the eighteen year old son of Liza and Henry, was the perfect choice for the assignment (mainly because he was the only child old enough at the time). ☺ Through him we meet the luminaries of the Boston contingent of rebels, Paul Revere, Dr. Joseph Warren, John Hancock, and the firebrand of the bunch, Sam Adams. Plenty of history fodder to be had…British raid in Salem…Tea Party…the famous midnight rides…culminating with the Battle of Lexington and Concord. Oh yes, plenty of opportunities for Thomas.

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An untenable situation arises in Mallory Town resulting in Liam and his two companions, Wahta and Mulhern, finding themselves on a journey to the shores of Lake Michigan and beyond. Driven by his restless buffalo spirit, Liam has his share of adventures; encountering a duplicitous British commander, meeting many new native tribes, some friendly, some not so much. A spiritual journey in a land not seen by many white men.

Writing stories like this, as it turns out, requires quite a few characters. Some are just cameo roles, but some take on a larger part in the narrative…a few of them, through their audacious behavior, actually demanded more page time. All of these characters need names. As in Clash of Empires, I have borrowed the names of some of my internet acquaintances in the writing world. So appearing in Paths to Freedom you will find, Martin Lake, Steven McKay, Rob Bayliss, and Paul Collard. It’s not surprising that each of them performs spectacularly, so much so that they clamored, cajoled, threatened, and generally made it known they were worthy of continuing on into book 3. We shall see. ☺

I ended Paths with the Battle of Lexington and Concord, the first shots of The Revolutionary War. The flint has been struck; the tinder has taken the spark. Soon the flames of war will engulf the land, and the Mallory clan will feel the heat in the third book, The Crucible of Rebellion. 

To keep up with all of the news, and excitement that is The Mallory Saga, here’s the link to my Facebook page:

So, my peeps and fellow travelers – turn off the TV… put down the cell phone or tablet … Read a book, expand your mind and soul, and don’t forget to leave a review.  ☺