Back Story: Forever King: Surviving the Loss of My Unborn Child

My son King Josiah Sims was the inspiration for writing this book, all the women and men that have lost an unborn child and/or children were my inspiration. I want them to know that I am praying for them, that I understand exactly what they are going through. That there is help for them and support groups for them. I wanted the extended family, friends, peers, church family, work family to know exactly what parents go through after the loss of a child. I wanted people to be educated to not isolate people that have lost a child but to embrace them and give them support of being there and listening to them. I wanted people to be inspired that life continues after a loss and miracles can and will take place. I experienced a successful, healthy, pregnancy and my Rainbow baby Anthony was born alive and well. I wanted people to be educated through my personal story to know that people are hurting and not just the parents who lose the child/children are affected but the immediate family and close friends as well. During the writing process I looked at pictures of my son that I had, poems that I wrote to my son and one my brother wrote for my son. I looked at ultrasound pictures for raw detail and to paint the best picture in my story so people could see and feel the very emotions I felt and experienced during the loss, after the loss, and pregnancy following the loss of my son King. I decided in writing this book that I wanted it to be personal and to have full creative control over everything from the cover to the content and how I would share it with the world, so I made the best choice and published my book as a self-published author.