Q&A with Stella Bagwell, author of HER SWEETEST FORTUNE

How did you come up with the friendship/relationship love triangle as a plot?

Actually, the plot was suggested by the editors as a part of a special continuing series. As the author, it was my job to breathe life and personality into the characters and their story.

What is your favorite part about writing for Her Sweetest Fortune?

My favorite part of writing Her Sweetest Fortune was putting two friends together and watching their confusion and surprise as the attraction builds between them.

Any tips for readers hoping that a special someone was more than just a friend?

If that special someone goes out of his way to do something thoughtful for you, then he probably has more than friendship on his mind!

What was the first book that made you cry?

While I was still in high school my brother gave me a set of Ernest Hemingway books. When the hero of A FAREWELL TO ARMS lost the love of his life, I definitely cried. To this day I still can’t watch the movie or I’ll start sobbing.

How long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

That all depends on the setting of the book and the plot. If it’s a place or plot I’m familiar with then a week or two of research is plenty. When writing continuity the research always takes longer because you have to make sure characters, setting details and plot lines match those of the authors stories going before and after your own.

How do you select the names of your characters?

For me, choosing names for my characters is one of the most time consuming part of writing a book. I want the name to define my character’s personality and at the same time I have to be careful not to choose a name I’ve used in a prior book. If something doesn’t immediately pop into my head, I’ll reach for the telephone directory and search until I find a name that feels right.

If you didn’t write, what would you do for work?

I would probably be doing the job I held before I became a writer, which was a hairdresser. By the way, a treasure trove of stories goes through a beauty salon!

Do you believe in writer’s block?

I think a writer’s mind can go on a lazy streak or be distracted by outside influences. But I personally don’t believe in writer’s block.

What is your favorite thing about writing contemporary romance?

My favorite thing about writing contemporary romance is definitely the happy endings and the hope that the future will be filled with love.

Are you excited for Valentine’s Day?

I always look forward to Valentine’s Day. After being married for nearly forty-six years it still melts my heart to get flowers and romance from my husband!