Review: Flame and Sparrow by S.M. Gaither

About the Book

On the eve of her twentieth birthday, Karys woke to the sight of a divine creature dying outside her home.

Two weeks later, her sister disappeared, leaving nothing but a trail of blood in her wake.

Convinced the gods were responsible for the disappearance, Karys has spent the past five years plotting her revenge with the help of a cutthroat band of likeminded elven rebels. So when Dravyn—one of her world’s most powerful deities—descends upon her kingdom in search of humans worthy of serving him, Karys knows what she must do. Earning a place at the god’s side will allow her to find out what truly happened to her sister…and then destroy the gods from the inside out for what they did.

Thrown into the dazzling but deadly world of the divine courts, she must navigate complicated politics, strange magic, and dangerous trials to prove herself worthy of standing among the gods.

Among the most dangerous of these trials is Dravyn himself.

Karys knows better than to trust the enigmatic God of Fire. The flames of passion that stir between them are only divine trickery. And yet, the more she learns about him, the hotter the forbidden sparks burn. The more she begins to question all she thought she knew about the world of gods and mortals and everything in-between.

And the more she risks betraying her own secrets, which may be the most dangerous thing of all.


This might be one of my top fantasy books of the year. Not sure yet. Ask me in December. However, today, I am fully prepared to gush about my love of this book. I don’t have many complaints. In fact, I don’t think I have any complaints.

Karys was such an interesting and original character. Her character development can beautifully be mapped out within this book, and I really loved reading her POVs. At the beginning of the book, she is so against the Gods, and doing everything to get revenge on them for the death of her sister. And as the book progresses, she learns new information and with that new information she struggles with everything that she has been doing and everything about her sister.

The world building within this story flows well. One of the biggest issues I struggle with while reading fantasy series is how the world is introduced and how everything works. This book does have a complex hierarchy of gods, but I was able to understand it fairly well.

Oh, and the romance. I have to give tens where tens are due. I didn’t know how deep I was invested until a specific moment within the middle of the book. It hit hard. And from that point onwards, I was solid on this book. I was solid before but this moment made me realize that this might be a five star read from me.

The last half of this book was so intense, and I was hanging on the edge of my seat. The story is so beautifully planned and well thought out, that I can’t wait until the second one.

Final Thoughts

Flame and Sparrow is a thrilling ride with a great slow burn relationship. The MMC is so sworn worthy. I love him so much. And Karys is such an interesting character with an incredible journey. I’m looking forward to the next installment.

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