Review: A Dawn of Gods & Fury (Fate & Flame Book 4) by K.A. Tucker

About the Book

"Prophecy always finds a way."

The will of the fates has come to pass. Monsters swarm from the depths, while dragons soar overhead. And the throne of Islor lies vacant… but not for long.

Fleeing the merciless sirens, Tyree and Annika find themselves stranded on a distant shore. Forced together to survive, they find old magics and terrifying new enemies.

For Romeria and Zander, the long-held secrets of the casters’ magic reveal a chance to finally master the power that has held all their lives in the balance for too long. But with power comes betrayal. And sacrifices must be made.

The final book in the captivating Fate & Flame series.


Without a doubt in my mind, I can say this is one of my all-time favorite fantasies. It’s sitting strongly at the number two spot. This was my most anticipated read of the year, and before swiping to the first page, I was a ball of nerves. I had no idea how this series was going to end. With every book, the world kept building and the stakes kept getting higher. An epic war was approaching. So, did I enjoy the final book?

Yes; mostly. I loved continuing to explore this amazing world that Tucker had built. I loved seeing more side characters and even getting a new romance—more on that later. This was a fun and exciting read for me. However, this isn’t my favorite book in this series. I think the second one might hold that title.

This series started with Romeria. Someone who was thrown into this unknown world is being hunted and accused of something that she did not do. In the course of four books, she completely transforms into this amazing queen, fierce. That is my favorite part of the series—watching her journey. I plan to reread this entire series in the future, and I’m excited to relive it.  

Another component that hooked me to this series was Romeria and Zander. This romance felt pushed into the background once again. I recently watched an interview with the author where she explained that she didn’t want the main romance to feel boring since they were together. I’d imagine that could be why she barely gave them any solo screen time. At every chance they were alone, they were interrupted. I understand it is wartime; however, it felt disappointing that this romance only had a few scenes to shine in the final book. The moments that they did get were lovely and left me wanting more.

In addition, there’s this weird thing with Jarek. It’s clear that he had unrequited feelings for Romeria, and that’s not resolved in this series. With the way his story ends, I would imagine he’s getting a spin-off. I would have much preferred Tucker to leave any romantic feelings out of Jarek and Romeria’s friendship since she’s adamant that Zander is only for her. And it made some of the moments with Jarek and Romeria frustrating.

Last book, Romeria and Zander’s romance took a backseat to the romance between Gracen and Atticus—who I adored—unfortunately, in this book, their relationship was sidelined too. Gracen is barely mentioned in this book and gets no POV chapter. The “main” romance of this book was Annika and Tyree. I did enjoy them. They had an enemies-to-lovers romance going on, and their bickering was fun. However, I wonder if there was a fifth book, would they be neglected too?

Final Thoughts

A Dawn of Gods & Fury keeps up with the excellent worldbuilding that Tucker had established in the previous books. The book itches towards a perfect conclusion; however, often neglects the romantic relationships and key characters. I would have loved more from Zander and Gracen in this book.

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