Review: Get Your Book Seen and Sold: The Essential Book Marketing and Publishing Guide by Claudine Wolk and Julie Murkette

About the Book

It is easier than ever to publish a book, but many authors find out too late about the actual work-the book marketing-that needs to be done to achieve sizable book sales. Instead of embracing the opportunities to promote their books, authors are intimidated and shut down. Those days are over. This is the book authors MUST HAVE to give their books the best chance to be seen and sold. In this essential, easy-to-understand guide, authors will work through the graphs, examples and exercises to learn:

  • The fundamentals of book marketing: Message, Audience, and Hook

  • The breadth of book marketing options and how they work, with examples

  • How to create a list of media contacts and develop a pitch that will reach them

  • How to develop a doable book marketing plan

  • How to develop media kit items for their book publicity efforts: Press Release, Author Bio, Sell Sheet, etc.

  • The types of book reviews and how to get them

  • The best social media channels for promoting books

  • The best places to spend book promotion dollars

  • Why book distribution IS a crucial part of book marketing . . . and so much more!

Authors CAN get their books seen and sold!


There are many books out there that give you insight on becoming an author and selling your book. Few are written from the perspective of someone that actually can relate to the process and can give insight from the trials and tribulations of the experiences lost and gained. Get Your Book Seen and Sold packs some great resourceful information and experiences in a small package that will give you a great foundation to begin your journey.

Written by two women through their own experiences and acquired knowledge, they share some fantastic information for those who want to write a book or have one but just don’t know what to do next. The book shares information that includes advice and examples on types of publishing, marketing, developing media and social contacts, publicity and so much more.

Overall, I think this is a really good book that lays down the foundation to help you begin and succeed on your book journey. For those out there who want to get your book seen and sold, this is one that you should consider adding to your reading list.

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