Review: The Blonde Identity by Ally Carter


The New York Times bestselling YA author of the beloved Gallagher Girls series bursts onto the adult scene with a fast-paced, hilarious road trip rom-com about a woman with amnesia who discovers she’s the identical twin sister of a rogue spy… and must team up with a rugged, grumpy operative to stay alive.

It’s the middle of the night in the middle of Paris and a woman just woke up with no memory.

She only knows three things for certain:

1. She has a splitting headache.

2. The hottest guy she has (probably) ever seen is standing over her, telling her to run.

And oh yeah…

3. People keep trying to kill her.

She doesn’t know who. Or why. But when she sees footage of herself fighting off a dozen men there’s only one explanation: obviously. . . she’s a spy!

Except, according to Mr. Hot Guy, she’s not. She’s a spy’s identical twin sister.

Too bad the only person who knows she’s not the woman they’re looking for is this very grouchy, very sexy, very secret agent who (reluctantly) agrees to help her disappear. Which is easier said than done when a criminal organization wants you dead and every intelligence service in the world wants you caught.

Luckily, no one is looking for a pair of lovesick newlyweds on their honeymoon. And soon they’re lying their way across Europe—dodging bullets and faking kisses as they race to unravel a deadly conspiracy and clear her sister’s name.

But with every secret they uncover, the truth shifts, until she no longer knows who to trust: the twin she can’t remember or the mysterious man she can’t let herself forget…


To me, the best way to describe The Blonde Identity was fun. Like no strings attached with a rush of fun. This book reminded me of a rom-com starring two of Hollywood’s biggest action and comedic actors. It has a high budget with twists and turns, and is universally loved. I had a great time reading this one.

Back in middle school, I used to be obsessed with Ally Carter’s books. I haven’t read them in around ten years, but the rumors are true. No one writes an action rom-com like Ally Carter. I was willingly strapped into my seat experiencing all the twists and turns unfolding. It’s engaging, and I really fell in love with the main characters. I won’t give anything away but all the tropes for a spy romance are there, and it’s beautifully done. Yes, it tends to be cliché at times, but the book doesn’t take itself too seriously and welcomes all the fun.

Final Thoughts

The Blonde Identity is adventurous and lots of fun. The romance is entertaining, and the sparks are there. It’s an addicting journey.

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