Review: Will They or Won't They by Ava Wilder

About the Book

Lilah Hunter and Shane McCarthy are madly in love—at least, their characters are. As the stars of the hit paranormal TV show Intangible, Lilah and Shane spent years pining for each other onscreen . . . until Lilah ditched the show at the end of season five in hopes of becoming a movie star. With no such luck, she’s back to film the much-hyped ninth and final season, in which Lilah and Shane’s characters will get together at last.

But coming back means facing one of the biggest reasons she left: Shane. Ever since their secret behind-the-scenes fling imploded at the end of season one, the two of them have despised each other.

Now reunited on set for the first time in years—with the world’s eyes on them and their post-show careers on the line—they’ll have to grit their teeth and play nice. But under pressure to give Intangible’s fans the happy ending they’ve been waiting for, Lilah and Shane are forced to get closer than ever. And if they’re not careful, they might just get blindsided by one final twist: a real-life happy ending of their own.


Will They or Won’t They was an addicting read. It felt like I was getting a behind-the-scenes scoop on some real-life television actors' drama. I was glued to my iPad as I read. The book follows Lilah and Shane, two actors who land a starring role on a popular paranormal TV show. During the first season, something happens between Lilah and Shane, and it leads to a messy break-up. Lilah remains on the show until season five before leaving. After a struggling movie career, she’s back for the final season and forced to work with her now enemy – Shane. It’s a challenging and emotional experience for both of them. They try to ignore the chemistry and natural pull towards each other. It's juicy material with two leads who have stellar chemistry and an angsty romance. The author did extremely well with blending the past and present in a way that never disrupted the story. It helped build the story and provided insight into what happened between the two of them and how miscommunication and fears got in the way of their prior relationship.

As much as I loved this book, there was one thing that I disliked. This book started extremely strong. And my complaints arise in a scene that is a big moment. It’s Lilah and Shane fully introducing themselves as a couple. However, the leadup wasn’t as good as the execution. Fortunately, the book was able to redeem itself and I thought the ending was perfect.

Final Thoughts

Will They or Won’t They is a great story Hollywood second romance chance story. Lilah and Shane have so much tension that will leave readers screaming at them to just kiss already. One thing genuine about Lilah and Shane is that the author knew her characters and wrote a hilarious back-and-front dialogue between the two of them.