Review: Out On a Limb by Hannah Bonam-Young

About the Author

Winnifred "Win" McNulty has always been wildly independent. Not one to be coddled for her limb difference, Win has spent most of her life trying to prove that she can do it all on her own. And, with some minor adjustments, she's done just fine.

That is until she has a one-night stand with the incredibly charming Bo, a perfect stranger. And that one night changes everything.

While Bo is surprisingly elated to step upto the plate, Win finds herself unsure of whether she can handle this new challenge on her own or if she’ll need a helping hand.

Together, Win and Bo decide to get to know one another as friends and nothing more. But, as they both should know by now, life rarely goes according to plan.

Content Warnings:

-graphic sexual content, pregnancy and symptoms of pregnancy, brief discussion of abortion (pro-choice stance, not performed), ableism in reference to a limb difference, verbally abusive ex-partner (no reappearance), death of a parent (past, off page) depression and suicide (past, off page), cancer (past, not reoccurring), amputation (referenced, past)


I remember running across a post that hailed this as one of the best accidental pregnancy stories that they have ever read. I can confidently attest to that. Out On a Limb was incredible. There was so much nuance and great characters. It really stands out amongst trope-y and underdevelopment accidental pregnancy stories that get mainstream.

Bo and Win were perfect. The writing allowed them to shine through and showcase their fears, doubts, and personality. Although the book was only in Win’s POV, Bo’s struggles and character were shown by his actions. His character wasn’t neglected. The author was able to fully round him.

Throughout the book, we are able to see them heal and help each other. They accepted each other for who they were and slowly started to fall for each other. There were so many moments that signified their compatibility. The romance within this book is honest, intimate, and raw. Absolutely perfect. Bo and Win will have me smiling for years. They are too good.

Another thing that I enjoyed about this book was the side characters. I think 99% of the characters within this story were loveable. I adored Sarah and Caleb. Moreover, I adored Sarah and Win’s friendship. It was absolutely friendship goals.

Final Thoughts

Out On a Limb will have most readers enamored from the very first page. It’s that good. Not only that but it’s heartbreaking and pure—a beautiful story of soulmates finding each other.

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