Review: Pity Party by Whitney Dineen

As we return to the wonderful small town of Elk Lake in the second book of the Pity series, Pity Party by Whitney Dineen, we dive into the life of Melissa Corner. A small bridal shop owner trying to navigate life and maintain her optimism against the pressures of meeting someone and the influences of her mother and the all surrounding soon to be brides that remind her of how out of reach that seems to be. With her track record of potential relationships not working out, her optimism seems dim until a spunky twelve year old crosses her path with her gorgeous dad that ignites a little spark.

After some unfortunate events that affected his daughter’s life, they decide to make a new start and get settled into the town that captured their interest from their previous summer. Offering the new start they both anticipated, Sammy Riordan decides to explore the town and meets an unexpected friend whom she instantly hits it off with. As their day closes with anticipation to share the wonderful news with her dad, Jamie Riordan, comes to the bridal shop and gets a surprise of his own. Not expecting her first friend to be Melissa, despite their initial sparks, he leaves an unfavorable impression that has her forgetting his initial swoon.

His daughter on the other hand, leaving such a great impression on Melissa, was surprised when she got the ok to work in the shop. As time goes on, and Jamie and Melissa get to know each other, they find a growing attraction that seems hard to resist but gets suppressed under their friendship label. With both of them having broken pasts, unwilling or unable to take a chance, they find themselves at a crossroads that forces them to face their undeniable connection or lose out on what could’ve been everything they ever wanted.

I’ve never wanted two people to run to each other as much as Melissa and Jamie. Likable and relatable, they both bring some heartache from their pasts but seeing them finding their way made this such an engaging read. There is so much to love about this book. Besides, their own story being unfolded, what a special experience was the bond that developed between Melissa and Sammy. Her not having a mother in her life, Melissa coming in at her most impressionable age, giving her that motherly and older sister vibe brought some special moments in the book. Like the preceding book, I love the female friendships involving the characters. Their fun banter and supportive relationships want you to be part of the group. What I loved about Jamie is that you rarely get the pov from a single dad who has experienced what he has. Raising his daughter as both parents with unconditional love at the beginning of those teenage years brought some special moments.

Their story told itself in the pace and time it was meant to be. I will admit being impatient wanting them to be sooner but they had to go through and experience some things that made it worth sticking around for in the end.

Another wonderful book in the series. If you have been following the series, then you can wait impatiently with me for the third book, Pity Pact. That book will center around Paige. The release date is set for early next year.

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