Review: Written In Ink by SM Broad

About the Book


I was seven when I met my best friend.

With his caring, hazel eyes and sandy blonde hair, he completely stole my heart.

I was thirteen when I fell in love with him.

Fifteen when he gave me my very first kiss.

And seventeen when I lost him.

Now, five years later, the boy from my past is a man standing in front of me. Only, how do I tell him about the greatest gift he ever gave me?


I was nine when I met my best friend.

With her sparkling green eyes, brown hair and kind soul, she completely stole my heart.

I was fifteen when I fell in love with her.

Seventeen when she became my everything.

And nineteen when I lost her.

Now, five years later, the girl from my past is a woman standing in front of me telling me that we share more than just memories.


I don’t know what I was expecting with this one, but it wasn’t what was presented in this book. In summary, Written in the Ink is about two teenagers who are obsessed with each other when they are teenagers. When Diem gets pregnant, instead of telling Hart about the baby, her and her parents skip town. The reasoning isn’t very clear. Six years later, they end up in the same town as Hart, and he accidentally finds out that he has a kid. I expected an emotional reunion between the two, and that isn’t what happened at all.

To me, everything happened too fast, and it left no time to let the emotional parts breathe. combined with the fact that both characters were frustrating and dull at times. I kept reading expecting something good would happen, but it unfortunately never came. Instead, what came was an unnecessary other woman drama, that felt a little frustrating for how it added nothing to the plot and how it unraveled.

Final Thoughts

Written in the Ink had two frustrating and dull main characters, where not even the second chance romance or a cute kid could save it.