Review: Gods & Monsters Series by Amber V. Nicole


Book of Azrael: World Ender meets Ender of Worlds...

A thousand years ago, Dianna gave up her life in the deserts of Eoria to save her dying sister. She called upon anyone who would listen, not expecting a monster far worse than any nightmare to answer. Now she does what Kaden asks, even if that means securing an ancient relic from the very creatures that hunt her.

A King thought long dead and long forgotten.

In the old world his name was Samkiel. In the new world it is Liam, but one title remains true throughout time. He is the World Ender, a myth to his enemies, a savior and King to those loyal to him. After the Gods War, he locked himself away, hiding from the world. He denied his crown and responsibilities, leaving the very ones who needed him most to deal with the fallout of the death of their homeworld. Now an attack on those he holds dear sends him back to the one realm he never wished to visit again and into the sights of an enemy he thought imprisoned eons ago.

Now enemies older than time must put aside their differences and work together in hopes of saving both their world and every realm in between.

The Throne of Broken Gods: “Then, Samkiel, you will know this is how the world ends.”

But it was not this world. No, it was mine.

It was Dianna.

The world quakes in fear as the last shred of Dianna’s humanity is ripped from her. As it should. Grief consumes Dianna, burning away any semblance of good within her and threatening the budding relationship between her and Liam. Now, Liam must pull her back from the brink of complete damnation before time runs out.


I went into this book series with zero information and zero expectations. Truthfully, I had only decided to read it because I saw a pretty photo of it and decided why not. I hadn’t expected to spend a weekend digesting these books, and being absolutely wrecked when I finished both-- The Book of Azrael (Gods & Monsters 1) & The Throne of Broken Gods (Gods & Monsters Book 2). It felt like a dragger straight in my heart, and I was gasping for air because I can’t believe they ended the way that they did.

It’s safe to say that I loved the book. It is worth mentioning that at times the writing did get a little confusing as well as the world feeling complex and all over the place. However, the characters make up for every single flaw, and even a few weeks later, both books are still on my mind, and I’m itching to read them again. The characters are just too good, and there’s such a great dynamic between them. True enemies to lovers. Amber V. Nicole has crafted multiple beautiful characters with an addicting all-consuming romance that should be the standard for all enemies to lovers. They are again, that good.

I adored Dianna and Samkiel despite all their flaws and along with their heartaches and tragic pasts. The two of them are some of the most powerful beings in the world, and they can’t save everyone. That is an important thing to keep in mind while reading these books, and it was very heartbreaking as the books progressed. Their journeys are incredible, and I understand how they get to where they are in the second book.

I sobbed real tears, and I’m not so patiently awaiting the next book because I need to know what happens. I am completely sucked into this world and obsessed with the characters that have been created.

Final Thoughts

The first two books of the Gods and Monsters series felt almost flawless to me. Mainly because of the characters and the romance. Despite some flaws, the books are standout and quickly became some of my favorite reads of the year. They are action packed, funny, and heartbreaking. These are books about family and love and power. I need the third one in my hands—STAT.

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