Review: Liars Like Us by J.T. Geissinger

A young woman on the verge of bankruptcy.

A mysterious billionaire with an offer that will change her life.

An obsession so powerful, it could destroy them both.





What Callum McCord wants, he takes.

No matter what he has to do to get it.


I went into Liars Like Us expecting a big twist. And from the first few chapters, I was intrigued to how this story would take place. I enjoy marriage of conveniences, and the set up was appearing to be very juicy. Also, let’s not forget the banter between Callum and Emery. It was great.

Now that I finished it, I must say I’m a little bit disappointed. The “twist” was predictable. And although Callum and Emery had this amazing chemistry, I couldn’t fully get behind him. A second after they got married, Callum changed into this possessive person, and at times it was a major turn off. He doesn’t get a POV within this book, and I really think the book would have benefitted from having his POV. His secret and motives could still be a mystery; however, it would be great to get within his head. Especially given his obsession with Emory.

Final Thoughts

For all the issues I had with Liars Like Us, it’s still one of the highlights of the month of May for me. Some of the scenes still replay around in my mind. And I did really enjoy the setup to the marriage. 

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