Review: Big Little Spells: A Witchy Romantic Comedy (Witchlore Book 2) by Hazel Beck

Big Little Spells by Hazel Beck is wonderful addition to the Witchlore series, giving us an enchanting story to add to the witchy romcom genre. I'll be honest, I haven't dove into this genre before but this book has me wanting to stay. This story gives us mix of magic, romance and mystery.

Rebekah Wilde, the protagonist, is one of the characters that grabs your attention right away. She returns to her hometown after a decade of banishment due to the Joywood Coven and their politics. This sets the stage for some page turning drama that will keep your attention as it unfolds. Throw in the fact that The Joywood Coven oversee the magical world which heats up the plot, it actually makes things harder as she faces a death sentence unless she can prove that she and her friends are not a threat to witchkind.

Beyond the intended plot, other elements that blend in make the book more interesting to invest in. The supporting characters, her sister and her friends, their journey grows on you and makes them more likable. In particular, the charm and mystery surrounding Nicholas Frost and Rebekah was something worth rooting for. Considering the fact that he was the only one who knew how to stop the Joywood, the suspense and anticipation brought some fun to the book.

Overall, this was a nice read. Honestly, it was hard to initially get into because I'm not used to the creative elements in this genre but once I did and embraced the magical elements, it became a page turning experience. I enjoyed experiencing something new in this witchy romcom genre. I'm looking forward to catching up with the series and anticipating the third book coming out next year. It was a different but a welcomed experience that I hope to continue reading in the future.

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