Audio Review: It Gets Easier by Claudine Wolk

Becoming a new mom can fill you with many emotions. With advice given in all directions and information sought out in books, much of it is advice on theory rather than experience, it can get overwhelming and make many become self conscious and overly cautious that prevent you from finding out what works for you.

For many of you that stock up on the books to help grab some helpful tips, this book is one that I found to be one that I feel you will breath a sigh of relief and feel a sense that you aren't alone. I fortunately had the pleasure of listening to the audio version and if only I had come across this sooner for a new mom that could've benefited from the advice and comradely that the book gave.

This book, written by a mom but not only learned by experience, sought out the wisdom of women before her that were successful that shaped her experience. I loved her perspective. Not to mention how soothing and fun her voice was. It felt like you were talking to a girlfriend who was looking out for you. Now, everyone is going to do what's best for them but much of her commentary address things that women don't talk about. Not all experiences are going to be the same but I feel she gave some good advice for new moms, the journey, relationships and some helpful insight that doesn't sugarcoat.

Drawing upon interviews, studies, research and experience, she addresses everything from practical tips getting through the hospital, transitioning at home to getting through the first few months, unspoken feelings and experiences to just make their lives better.

If you have the opportunity to check out the audio version, it will be more impactful having that voice you can connect with but grab the book if you want to dive into the words. Overall, I thought this was fun, informative and a real perspective from a mom that been there and done that.

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