Review: Serve by C.W. Farnsworth


Georgette Adams is trouble incarnate. Spoiled, sassy, smart…and the President’s only daughter.

Getting summoned to a meeting at the White House felt like an honor—until I caught the catch.

I’m the newest member of her security detail. Not only for this summer in DC, but once she leaves for Stanford in the fall as well. Her safety is my responsibility.

Trouble is, the only place Georgie respects any rules is on the tennis court.

Our priorities clash and our personalities conflict, yet somehow—the more time we spend together, the less it feels like work.

But my job description doesn’t include making her laugh or enjoying our conversations. And it definitely doesn’t involve broken rules or blurred lines.

My only job?

Is to serve.


I was so excited for this one. Especially since I have recently discovered C.W. Farnsworth books and I loved Fake Empire by her so much. It’s one of my favorite books of the year, and I expected this one to be too. And like predicted I enjoyed Serve.

It has a slow burn, forbidden romance. Both Georgie and Ethan are strong characters, and butted heads during their initial meeting. I practically liked how Georgie’s hesitation to being in the public eye was explored. Her father is the President of the USA, and that would be hard to adjust to regardless of age.

I also really enjoyed the idea of a member of the secret service dating the President’s daughter. I expected a lot of angst. Which it sort of delivered on.

As much as I enjoyed this book, I didn’t love it. I felt like it was too short, and I would have loved a lot more. I was most excited to see Ethan and Georgie having a hidden relationship and seeing that play out. However, that aspect was very short. And it ends quickly for reasons which I won’t mention because of spoilers.

Final Thoughts

Serve is an entertaining read with a spicy forbidden. 

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