Review: In the Dark We Forget by Sandra SG Wong

From the beginning, this book had me hooked. Let me first mention how gorgeous that cover is. There is something that just grabs your attention to dive right into the book.

From what I’ve read, this is her debut in the suspense genre. It has many components that are woven together for an unexpected resolution. I struggle with labeling it a thriller because I felt it had more psychological suspense rather than the full intensity of a thriller. 

Following Cleo, who was originally found on the side of the road with amnesia, her journey has you as the book progresses wanting and needing to know the answers as much as she does. She is definitely a character that you will want to know because of that initial first impression. As we begin to learn what happens, the plot becomes more intricate and revealing. We learn more about her personal life, social and family life that play a major role in processing her trauma and how it plays into her current situation. This is definitely a slow burn to the finish line but patience is something that will be worth it because the ending is not what you probably expect it will be. 

The way she writes just places you where you need to be and you get the information that you need to know. The detail to the culture and sensitivity to the familial aspects really brought some depth and emotion to the book. The intensity of the story as she regains her memory ignites the curiosity in the plot to want to get to the end. 

Overall, I enjoyed the book. My only issue is with the ending. I loved the resolution but I wish it was a little different. It deserved more of a bang than what happened. I don’t want to spoil it because I want those who haven’t read it to make their own mind about it. Wonderful debut and I’m looking forward to what’s next.

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