Review: Group Therapy by BB Easton

I am thiiiiis close to finally becoming a full-fledged psychologist. PhD? Check. Prestigious postdoc position, providing therapy to entitled millionaires and C-list celebrities whose pumpkin spice lattes cost more than my Converse and make excellent projectiles during their reality TV–worthy tantrums? Check. Letter of recommendation from my velociraptor-like supervisor?

That’s going to take a miracle. Not only because my boss said I have to cure our most-prized client’s writer’s block in time for him to meet his insane deadline, but also because that client just so happens to be …

Thomas F*@%ing O’Reardon.

Yeah, that Thomas O’Reardon. The wickedly brilliant, achingly beautiful, devastatingly British best-selling author whose psychological thrillers line my bookshelf at home and whose face I might or might not picture while I … you get the point. Sitting in a confined space with him; inhaling the crisp, clean scent of his cologne; gazing into his broody blue eyes while trying to remember to nod and listen and come up with suggestions that don’t involve taking our clothes off … it’s torture.

So, when Thomas casually asks me out at the end of a therapy session, I’m forced to make an impossible choice: say yes and risk losing my dream job, or say no and risk losing my dream guy. In a panic, I blurt out a third option—the only solution I can think of that will allow me to see this man after hours without it being considered a career-ending ethics violation:

Group therapy.

The only problem? I’ve never actually done group therapy. And side problem: my other clients are ... a handful. But what’s the worst that could happen? I mean, it’s not like I’m going to lose all control of the group and let it devolve into a chaotic, bloodthirsty, topless fight club.


Dr. Luna Sterling is super close to obtaining her license to practice psychology. The only thing she is missing is a letter of recommendation which her boss will write if she excels at this one last task- Thomas O’Reardon. Thomas O’Reardon, successful author of psychological thrillers, is experiencing a severe case of writer’s block and his editor sends him to the U.S. to get help from a therapist.

Luna knew of Thomas before he had even come into the practice and was a fan of his books. But he doesn’t leave a good first impression. Thomas was very unenthusiastic about having to attend the sessions. He’s closed off, and insults Luna at first. But like all romantic comedies there’s a shift and it gets harder for them to resist each other. And when Thomas suggests that they see each other outside of the office, Luna invites him to group therapy. A nonexistent thing and she has to rope all her clients and friends to help her pull it off. And if we’re being honest, were a recipe for disaster.

Group Therapy is entertaining and fun. It truly leans into the comedic aspect of it. All the cast of characters from Luna and her hippie mother who lives in a commune to Luna’s fellow Dr. friends. Everyone is witty and just simply funny. I literally laughed out loud so many times while reading this. There were some ridiculous things that happened during this book. However, they all made sense in this universe.

Luna and Thomas worked. As a fan of his and who she was as a person, she was dedicated to getting him to write his book. Both of them were so sweet and endearing.

Final Thoughts

Group Therapy was entertaining in the most over the top way with a good romance and tons of laugh out loud moments.

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