Review: Donut Go Breaking My Hearts by Shyla Colt

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Donut Go Breaking My Hearts is a cute, fun, and easy read. Most importantly I think it has a lot of potential.

Donut Go Breaking My Hearts is about Dido, whose boyfriend breaks up with her because the passion in their relationship is missing.  And after witnessing her parent’s divorce at a young age, she feels a little cautious about relationships from the beginning anyway. Enter Rowdy, who is a familiar face to Dido and has a secret attraction to her.

One of my biggest issues with this book is the excessive dialogue. The ratio between dialogue and explanation/descriptions was outrageous. And I felt that some descriptions would have given an extra kick to the book. Because of the crazy amount of dialogue everything felt rushed. And the magic of the couple almost got lost. I will say that I really enjoyed the growth shown with Dido as she learned to not let her parent's relationship determine her future. 

Final Analysis

Donut Go Breaking My Hearts had a solid love story with interesting and funny characters. Unfortunately, the excess dialogue almost overshadowed that.