Review: To Whom it May Concern by J.S. Cooper

Savannah Carter is drowning in college debt and needs a job fast. She stumbles across an ad in the newspaper that seems a little sketchy. The ad placer, The Wade Hart, is needing someone who is willing to live with him, wear a uniform, and an MBA grad. Although, hesitant at first, Savannah takes him up on that offer, and she becomes his assistant.

To Whom it May Concern was frustrating and very uncomfortable. Red flags started only a couple of pages in, with how stiff the dialogue between characters felt and how many clichés were starting to be introduced. It was definitely a hard book to finish since there was really no real development.

In addition, both Savannah and Wade were both childish and immature characters. But Wade’s characterization is the worst out of the two. From the moment, Savannah contacted him for the position, he kept making rude, sexual, and inappropriate comments. In the real word, those comments would be grounds for firing and could warrant a sexual harassment lawsuit. I’m aware that this is a fictional character; however, there is a line and it was crossed.

Due to his disgusting behavior, lack of chemistry between the two and stiff dialogue, it was hard to root for these two people to be together. I would much prefer if they didn’t end up together. It doesn’t feel like it would be a healthy and satisfying relationship.  

Final Thoughts

To Whom it May Concern is a book that lacks a quality story line, good characters and romance.