Review: His Sister's Best Friend by Shyla Colt

His Sister’s Best Friend was sweet; however, I have a few conflicting thoughts regarding it.

Since he was sixteen and his father died, Solomon has been the man of the house and has always known he would have to take care of his younger sister, who has down syndrome. He thought that would happen later, but after his mother has a mini-stroke and life happens, he’s faced to take on that role earlier. To help get Susan adjusted, he creates a care plan and introduces her to a specialized school. Enter Ezra. Like Solomon, she has a sibling with down syndrome. Because of that, she founded Expanding Hope- a school to help those like her brother grow to their full potential. On Susan’s first day, she realizes that her exceedingly good-looking brother is someone she knew many moons ago.

Like mentioned before, I thought this story was sweet. Both Ezra and Solomon had a caring and loving nature about them. and I enjoyed their relationships with their respective siblings. I thought that stood out the most for me. And they both were likable characters.

The issue I have with the book is that it was extremely rushed. The story is kicked into motion in the first couple of pages, and there isn’t enough time to adjust. It starts with Solomon on a date. His date refuses a call from his mother, and everything escalates from there. And then when Solomon and Susan meet everything is pushed into hyper-speed again.

Final Thoughts

Although sweet and romantic in some parts, His Sister's Best Friend suffers from a severe pacing problem.