Review: Hillbilly Drug Baby: The Poems Kindle Edition by Jesse-Ray Lewis
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I’m not sure how I stumbled upon this book, but here we are. Hillbilly Drug Baby is a collection of poems of someone who is a product of an absent mother and addict father, who enters the foster care system at a young age and tries to create some form of stability.
It’s deeply personal. And deeply raw and unfiltered. And the author doesn’t shy away from talking about the harsh realities of his life. It's hard and certainly heartbreaking to read at times. Because it's truly tragedy after tragedy it seems while this man is continuously failed by the system.
However, some poems tended to blend together and sounded the same. I found myself wondering if I had accidentally gone back a few pages. And there was no rhythm or flow to them.
But nevertheless, it’s an eye opening emotional read.