Review: The Audacity of Sara Grayson by Joani Elliott
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In her debut novel, The Audacity of Sara Grayson, Joani Elliott gives readers a book to fall in love with. This is one of those books that you don't want to stop reading. I'm excited to see what this author writes in the future.
Cassandra Bond is a bestselling author who suddenly dies. The last book in one of her most beloved series has yet to be published. As a dying wish, she bestows this request of her book to be written by her daughter, Sarah. After a failed attempt at publishing a book before, Sarah lost confidence in being a real writer.
When a new editor is assigned to the book and doubts her ability to write and potentially damage the brand, a spark ignited within her to prove them wrong. As she faces obstacles at every turn, trying to prove the editor wrong, meeting the deadline, secrets are revealed that change the narrative and potentially rewrite a new book in her life.
Overall, the book was a wonderful read. Sarah is a relatable character that has qualities that many will resonate with, especially authors who have felt like a failure. Some moments will touch you and make you laugh out loud. Her relationships with the other characters in the book are just as interesting as her own experience. You will not be disappointed with this one. I recommend adding this to your list.