Review: Extra Credit (Fun Love Series #1) by Poppy Dunne
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This book wasn’t for me. Throughout this book, I found myself continuously checking to see how much I had left. And when I did finish, it was almost like a sigh of relief.
Extra Credit is about Chelle and Will. Chelle is a substitute teacher and Will is an investment broker. And he’s also the father of her newest favorite student. She is immediately attracted to him. And he feels the same way.
This wasn’t a bad book. I just kept waiting for something to happen and nothing ever did. The book tried to be interesting by introducing several concepts. For example, Chelle was literally raised by clowns, and the school that Chelle’s teaches at is very into wellness and “spirit cleansing” for kids. Both are topics that I haven’t seen explored in a fictional book before; but unfortunately, that still did not amp the excitement.
The characters are not completely one dimensional. They have humorous moments, and the meet cute was actually sweet. But that isn’t enough to carry an entire book.
Final Thoughts:
Extra Credit is a short book that seems to draw on forever with an exciting journey.