Review: Adobe Illustrator for Beginners 2021 by Hector Grant
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I’ve always wanted to learn graphic design and I’ve had a couple of classes, but I just didn’t get it. And since the world has paused, I decided to dive back into it. I found this book on Amazon, and it wasn’t that bad.
It was easy to follow. There was not a lot of jargon that made me feel lost or unsure about what I was doing. In addition, there were photos. So, when the author was talking about a particular tool within the program, it was easy to identify on my system which tool he was referring to.
This is a basic, extremely beginner’s book. So, there were a few things that felt pretty self-explanatory. I.e. the section on how to save the document. But I appreciate the effort.
The book is a little short. Therefore, it doesn’t get too deep into the program. Unfortunately, you’ll have to buy another book for that. I would have also liked for the book to come with activities. I think there was one activity throughout the book. And besides that, the author is telling you about the program.
Final Analysis
Adobe Illustrator for Beginners 2021 is a good starting point for anyone looking to learn Adobe Illustrator; however, it doesn’t not provide all the material.