Review: Sanctuary: A Noire Immortals Story by Alexandria House
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Sanctuary is sort of a mystery. Not in terms of storyline wise. Just in terms of what the book is about. The summary is quite ambiguous so I hadn’t really known what to expect. But I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The book centers in Temple and Sam. They were high school sweethearts, until he just left and she never heard from him again. Now twenty years later, he reaches out to her with an explanation as to what happened.
Alexandria House does an outstanding job pulling you in and getting you emerged in this world in a few words. Sanctuary is beautifully descriptive, emotional, spiritual, and deep. And it has a twist I hadn’t seen coming.
Although it was a very interesting concept, and I felt the book’s length hindered it a little. I was completely hooked, and I would have wanted more. So in summary, I felt it was too short.
Final Thoughts
Sanctuary is a beautiful, emotional read, that is unfortunately too short.