Review: Final Flight by Eric Anderson
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As I read the book, I tried to remain neutral with my thoughts but after I finished, I’m left feeling indifferent. My first impression of the book piqued my interest. The prologue I felt really set the tone to expect something great. Between the maps and the glossary, I knew I was going to experience something different with that many characters but the anticipation I had after reading the prologue left me uncertain.
There was a cringe moment for me early on in the book that I will isolate from my overall perspective of the book. I felt uneasy with the association of the geographical location in Washington with mentioning Kurt Cobain. I personally remember that day when I found out what happened to him. I thought that reference was a bit insensitive using the double barrel shotgun reference considering what happened to him. The author could’ve just said what he said without including him in the sentence. This didn’t affect my thoughts but it sat in the back of my mind.
I know this is categorized as a thriller but I didn’t feel the connection of any particular character that was advancing the plot where I couldn’t just stop turning the pages. I will credit the author with a plot that was crafted with meticulous detail deriving from his military and intelligence experience. The technical jargon and details were very detailed and brought credibility to the book. I think for some this will be a hindrance trying to get through the book but there is a glossary in the back as well as a breakdown of all the characters in the beginning. I thought that many different characters were going to drive me crazy but I was laser focused on their individual traits from reading in the beginning so it made it easier to get through. There are many moving parts to this book so I think this is one of those that will be left to the individual reader.
Overall, I was expecting something different than what I read but like I said I don’t want to take away from what was written. This is only based on from reading the summary, prologue and then the plot as it unfolds. I just I wish the direction of plot was more inline with what we read that had happened with a build up that lead to that moment. My thoughts were mixed because after the prologue, I wanted to know what happened that led up to that moment. With all the moving parts and people coming and going, I felt it slowed down the moment of the plot. I just down feel the progression of the plot lived up to the high of where he starts the book at. I was expecting more and it just wasn’t what I hoped. I will leave this one up for you to decide.