Review: A Run at Love by Summer Dowell
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Recently, I’ve found myself reading a lot of books by Summer Dowell. They aren’t a heavy commitment and they tend to be fairly straightforward. Unfortunately, a few of them just felt simply fine and didn’t cater to my needs. That is until A Run at Love.
A Run at Love is told in the POV of Jessica. She is looking for that special someone, and hasn’t had that much luck. One day she gives in and creates an online dating profile, and sooner than later her luck begins to shift.
I wasn’t aware of this prior to reading but this novelette is a spin-off of Love From Scratch, another book from the same author. I had not read the book; so I’m unsure of how it is interconnected or if the characters cross over. Or even if the story crosses over. In my mind, this is a strong standalone book on its own. And I would have liked more about Jessica’s journey. She is a go getter and I’m quite interested to read more about her. Especially with how the book ended. I think her story has a lot of potential.
I was entertained by reading this book. Again, it was a novelette, therefore, it was very short. And fortunately, the author did not waste any time with fluff. And it wasn’t predictable. I thought the book was going to take a different route, but I was wholeheartedly surprised with the route that it did take. It was comedical, relatable.
Final Thoughts
A Run at Love is a sweet book about a young woman’s quest to find love. Unfortunately, the book is short and there is so much more that can be explored.