Review: A Temporary Engagement by Summer Donnell



A Temporary Engagement is about Mason and Elena. After running into his ex-girlfriend, Mason makes up a story about how he is engaged and is forced to bring his fake fiance to his ex-girlfriend’s wedding. Unfortunately, he lives in a small town and rumors of his engagement would have been the talk of the town. So he enlists the help of his older brother and sister-in-law to find the perfect fake fiance. Through them, he is introduced to Elena, who is willing to play along with his story. But how much of their chemistry is fake?

This was a cute and safe story. The fake dating/ fake marriage trope will never get old. It is always intriguing to see two characters be thrusted into a relationship for the sake of convenience and deception. Given the circumstances, it is always nice to see how the characters interact and see the moment where the acting stops. Rarely does this trope feel boring or excessive. 

A Temporary Engagement might have felt predictable; however, it was entertaining. With what was provided, the author handled it well. The characters were lively and refreshing. And quite lovely, and they had this natural chemistry. I would admit that I was afraid that this story would venture towards instalove. I’m happy to report that it did not. 

It was obvious that Mason and Elena were going to end up together. And I thought it was the right move to have them end up starting from ground one. Mason made this great point that he wanted to try at a relationship with Elena. These two characters knew each other for a short time and were fake engaged for a short time. It would have been unbelievable for them to be completely head over heels with each other so quickly.