Review: 14 Keys to Lasting Love: How to Have the Marriage You've Always Wanted by Kim Kimberling
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I’ve read many books dealing with relationships issues but yet to find one as comforting as this one. Many try and give you how to’s based on theory but few derive from personal experience. I found this book insightful and encouraging and for those out there looking for guidance, following these key guidelines will definitely promote a healthy relationship.
14 Keys to Lasting Love tackles the major areas of a marriage that people find obstacles with. I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Kim’s wisdom from an empathetic nature combined with his counseling and personal life experience. He shares that experience and perspective from dealing with real life couples in their challenges and triumph in maintaining or pursing a lasting relationship. He doesn’t tell you what to do but rather encourage and invited introspection as he deals with topics such as communication, intimacy, health, kids and more.
Blending his experience through his ministry and experience from counseling various couples, he is able to bring some credibility and validity to his suggestions. Not only deriving from faith but understanding the perspectives and the struggles of the couples help lend a sympathetic hear to identifying and problem solving those 14 major areas that can help navigate to a happier, healthier marriage.
Overall, I found this book a breath of fresh air. These 14 steps helps you find what works and doesn't for your own introspection. Seeing what others including himself have gone through provide a comfort that you are not alone. Reading their experiences, positive and negative, give you some food for thought. Dr. Kim presents his book in a personable and engaging way that anyone can incorporate into their lives. Whether you are just beginning or have been married awhile, grab a copy just because and you will find wonderful takeaways that will help encourage, inspire and promote a healthier meaningful relationship.
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