Review: The F List by Alessandra Torre
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The F List was an interesting take on the traditional celebrity status and influencer fame status.
The book is centered on Emma. Luck transferred her from a “poor" girl into a millionaire. And in order to keep her star from shining, she started doing everything she can to manage her fame. PR relationships check? Nasty celebrity feuds? Check. Cash on the other hand was born in this lifestyle. His mother is an acclaimed Hollywood actress. And after he had a less than good date with Emma, the two became enemies. Unfortunately, for both Emma and Cash they both have signed up for the same reality show.
I really enjoyed the structure of this book. I think I might have actually enjoyed it more than the storyline. Anyway, the book is structured almost in a conversational, confessional type of way. It is in the alternating POV of Cash & Emma. However, they speak at the audience. And are telling the story in a direct manner. There isn’t a lot of internal monologue. In addition, to their POVs there are direct quotes from people who are in their lives (producers, magazine editors, camera people.. etc…). I found that to be a nice addition. It really played into the narrative that you can perceive someone one way and them not be that way at all. Especially, with the way the book ended.
I didn't have this strong connection to either characters. Although, I enjoyed how the book was structured I think that minimized the chance to explore the characters deeper and intelligently. For example, I really didn't quite understand why Emma wanted to be famous. I think there might had been a few scenes were she spoke about being an actress; however, that was never truly explored.
Also, with Cash. In the first true introduction to him in his POV, he mentions that he's really good at acting. However, he's never really done anything to showcase his talents. I wanted to dive more into his psyche regarding that. I think the author did a great job demonstrating the link between the paparazzi and his comfort surrounding his mother.
Final Analysis
The F List was an entertaining book centered on the notion of celebrity and how much someone is willing to thrive for it.