Review: All About Us by Tom Ellen


I’m not the only one who thinks from time to time, if I made a different decision with someone else, could life have been different? All About Us, takes love on the what if and shows the potential of the temptation when life gets tough, what could be.

Ben and Daphne have been together for awhile, just like many couples, they have been going though some obstacles in their marriage that had left them feeling disconnected. When an old friend appears, Ben wonders if life would’ve been different had he gotten with Alice instead of Daphne.

One night while hanging out with a friend at a local bar, Ben comes in contact with a man who gives him a chance to test fate. Instead of wandering, the man gives him a watch that takes him back to the beginning where his choice began between the two. While getting the chance to do over again, it’s up to him to make the decisions to lead to what his true heart was or is meant to go.

I loved the book. I had no idea that this was written by a guy until I finished the book. I say that because I couldn’t put my finger on what made Ben’s character so special as the book progressed. It had a different vibe that captured a sensitive, vulnerable depth that I really appreciated. It’s sort of interesting because when I first started reading, I’d thought I made up my mind about what I knew was right for Ben. What a complete twist in thought by the end. The plot twist with the going back in time had me wanting to grab some tissues because some of those moments were so heart breaking and memorable. Your heart just aches with Ben.

Overall, it was beautiful and engaging, sprinkles with moments that will make you laugh, cry and make your heart smile. By the way, the picture under the umbrella, just beautiful. Make sure you add this one to your TBR.