Review: Greek Gods by Susan Canole
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For several years now, I’ve had the fascination with Greek mythology. Unfortunately, there is so much to take in at once and hard to find a good starting point. So because of this the majority of my knowledge comes quick Google searches and wikipedia pages. I don’t have a cohesive grasp of the subject. Well that was until I found this book.
Greek Gods is a beginner’s guide to Greek mythology. It is a starting point for anyone looking to learn more about Greek mythology. This book is strictly about the gods. It has information from the most common gods ranging from Zeus to Hestia.
The author does not use any complicated jargon nor does she expect you to be an expert on the topic. It provides a brief history to each gods. It is a very simple book but again it is a nice starting point. If someone is committed to learning all there needs to know about Greek Mythology, there would need to be more research completed. This book wouldn’t be enough.
Final Analysis
Greek Gods is a great light introduction into Greek mythology. It is not overwhelming nor does attempt to fit the entire history of Greek mythology within the pages.