Review: One of the Guys by A.R. Perry
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One of the Guys centers on Rylee and Spencer. They have been friends for several years and rarely are seen without each other. During their junior year, Rylee and Spencer situation s that could possibly alter their friendship. Ryle has always been a tomboy but after being noticed by her crush while wearing a dress, she begins to wonder if maybe a little change may be good. Spencer’s parents have announced their divorce and he fears that loosing Rylee may soon become a reality.
One of the Guys was a cute friends to romance story. There tons of stereotypes. But nevertheless, it is a decent read.
For the majority of the book, I never felt that the pacing was rushed nor too slow. Everything felt organic. Especially Rylee and Spencer's chemistry. There was real sense that these two characters have been friends for a long time. The author did not have it spend a lot of time explaining their relationship, it was felt through the way they interacted with each other and their dialogue.
The only major issue I had was the climax of the story. In order to officially push Rylee and Spencer together the author creates a situation that almost feels too serious and out of place. Especially, since there are not really any lingering reactions after what happened. That would have been a trauma experience for most people and to have the author practically blame the main character for what had happened was a poor creative choice.
What ultimately happened was a plot device that served no real purpose than to get the characters to realize their feelings for each other. There could have been a different situation that allowed for these two characters to come together. Something lighter, or something that would not have had a lasting impact on a character.
Final Analysis
One of the Boys is a cute and soft friends to romance YA. It does start off strong but unfortunately doesn’t exactly feature all the right creative choices.