Review: I Was Hungry Cultivating Common Ground to End an American Crisis by Jeremy K. Everett
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Hunger is one of the most significant issues in America. One in eight Americans struggles with hunger, and more than thirteen million children live in food insecure homes. As Christians we are called to address the suffering of the hungry and poor: "For I was hungry, and you gave me food . . ." (Matthew 25:35). However, the problems of hunger and poverty are too large and too complex for any one of us to resolve individually.
I Was Hungry offers not only an assessment of the current crisis but also a strategy for addressing it. Jeremy Everett, a noted advocate for the hungry and poor, calls Christians to work intentionally across ideological divides to build trust with one another and impoverished communities and effectively end America's hunger crisis. Everett, appointed by US Congress to the National Commission on Hunger, founded and directs the Texas Hunger Initiative, a successful ministry that is helping to eradicate hunger in Texas and around the globe. Everett details the organization's history and tells stories of its work with communities from West Texas to Washington, DC, helping Christians of all political persuasions understand how they can work together to truly make a difference.
People like Jeremy Everett are the ones that voices needs to be heard. I admire and respect those who find a calling in life to help others and to be an advocate for a cause that is affecting so many people is a noble one. Inspired to end hunger, I Was Hungry, chronicles his journey on his quest to help alleviate this epidemic across the country.
In his book, he brings awareness to the issue and much of his commentary struck a chord with me inspiring many thoughts of my own. Thought provoking, he assesses its current predicament and encourages what you can do to make it better. He shares with us his journey and organization, stories about his experiences and the effects of those facing this predicament.
Overall, I thought it was good read. Always nice reading about someone inspired to do something positive with their life to help others. I gained some insightful information that I will definitely look further into.