Review: Living in the Family Blender: 10 Principles of a Successful Blended Family by Clark Rich Burbidge and Leah Dee Burbidge
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Blended family issues impact the vast majority of Americans. Yet, even so, society often sidesteps the topic, while literature leaves a bleak landscape nearly void of practical advice from those who have lived in the trenches.
With over 68 combined years of direct blended family experience, including 14 years with their own family of 10 children, authors Clark and Leah Burbidge are uniquely qualified to fill this void. Their combined 'Autobiographical/How-To' guidebook weaves a humorous, tender, uplifting, and critically insightful fabric of 10 foundational principles upon which any family may confidently build. Every blended family can have happier, more fulfilling lives where disruption, disorientation, and contention are replaced by teamwork, progress, and overcoming-oriented achievement.
Living in the Family Blender provides practical guidance upon which any family may build better relationships and a life filled with joy and purpose. Join them on their personal journey and discover glorious possibilities in your own family.
The best example of the most famous blended family is the Brady Bunch. Even though fiction, it highlights a large percentage of families across America. Two families pushed together with outcome to be determined, it can be overwhelming.
As mentioned in the book, there aren’t much out there capturing a realistic portrayal of what’s to come. I felt Living in the Family Blender will definitely help ease those anxieties of families facing a similar situation.
This was a real family with their ups and downs, putting their experience through principles that you could incorporate or mold into your lives. It offers positive, encouraging commentary that can put your mind at ease. Granted, everyone’s experience will be different. The principles to consider will help give another perspective to consider when facing obstacles or challenges.
For those out there in blended family or about to become one, take a look this book to help you laugh, get some tips and know that despite the labels, you’re just one big happy family.