Review: My Virtual Prince Charming (Geeks Gone Wild Book 2) by Maggie Dallen
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This is my second book in the Geeks Gone Wild series. And I must say I enjoyed My Virtual Prince Charming the most.
My Virtual Prince Charming is about Suzie & Luke- two high schoolers from two completely different social groups. Both are them are super into this indie video game & have developed an online friendship because of it. However, they aren't aware of each other's true identity.
I felt that it was nicely paced. It didn't feel rushed nor did it feel too unrealistic. There was something oddly quiet yet charming about this book. What I mean is that it was incredibly hard to put down and although the plot was simple it was captivating.
Both Suzie and Luke were two loveable characters.They were a cute and innocent couple. They are currently my favorite couple in the series.
Although, the online friendship between them felt genuine, I would have loved more interactions between the two before they became aware of each other's identities.
In addition, I would have enjoyed a little more backstory between the two characters. Luke had this conflicting dynamic with his family and I would have liked for that to be explored more.
Suzie is the best friend of the main character in the first book in the Geeks Gone Wild series. So we has learned a lot about her through the eyes of her best friend, Margo. However, I still would have enjoyed an emphasis on Suzie's background in her own book.
Final Analysis
My Virtual Prince Charming is a cute YA about two undeniable loveable characters.