Review: Live to Tell by Bianca Sloane
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I don’t even know where to start with this book. I read Tell Me a Lie first, which had I known how the first book was going to be, I’d read that after this. Biance Sloane has definitely grown as a author since her first book and I really believe this series is her best to date.
Going into Live to Tell, I knew the consequences of what had happened but needed to know how and why. Getting to experience the point of view of Charles had my thoughts like a pendulum going from sympathy to disgust. All in the name of being entertained, my curiosity piqued, not expecting the roller coaster ride of a plot page turner.
Let me say this disclaimer, usually I pass on books that involve adultery. It’s definitely a non negotiable for me, but since I read the second book it had my thoughts hanging out there wandering if there was more to the story that met the eye. Oh there definitely was and some. The book sort of set up the predictable cliche of husband and wife going downhill and the thought of adultery circling around. In those scenarios, you sort of know what’s going to happen but in this case, it was that taken to a whole different level. Just say vengeance and karma may or not been justified depending on your perspective of the characters.
Overall, this was a really entertaining read. I have not come across any character that I hated more than Jillian. If a character can drawn such ire towards her, you know you’re in for something good. The chemistry and pace of the book was just right. She really balances well the elements of the plot to give you what you need at the right moments. Now, that I’ve read this one, I strongly encourage reading this before the second book. There is a lot in the first that will account for any questions in the second. If you haven’t discovered her books yet, definitely check out her other books. I’m recommending adding this series to your TBR.