Review: I'm Fine & Neither Are You by Camille Pagán
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I found I'm Fine & Neither Are You to be heartbreaking and real. It's a story of addiction, loss, and marriages.
I'm Fine & Neither Are You is about friendship woven with a story about the duality & complexity of marriages. It's told in the POV of Penelope Ruiz-Kar, who is barely keeping it together in terms of her family & marriage. Jenny, Penelope's best friend, seems to have it all together. That is until tragedy strikes and Penelope learns that Jenny's life isn't as perfect as she had thought it was. To cope with the recent events, Penelope starts making changes in her own life- starting with her marriage.
I think one of the most interesting thing about this book is that although we may feel close to someone, that doesn't mean that we are entitled to all their secrets and that doesn't mean that there still is a part of them that isn't unfamiliar to us. It was interesting to see Penelope cope with the idea that she didn't know her best friend as well as she had thought.
I thought the pacing in this book was decent. There were times were it sort of dragged on and other times where it was perfect. Overall, the pacing isn't a huge disadvantage of the book.
I didn't have any major issues with the characters in this book. They all felt three dimensional.
And I actually found each relationship to be fascinating in their own way. For example, Penelope and her husband, Sanjay. It was far from perfect. And it was interesting to see hints of what could have possibly cause them to each up the way in which they did.
Final Analysis
I'm Fine & Neither Are You tells a story that feels all too real about relationships and trying to keep yourself from falling apart.